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它在默认情况下不启用。It is not enabled by default.

已经启用电子邮件通知。E-mail notification is enabled.

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启用用户可切换的布局。Enable user-switchable layouts.

巴金再次启用种子!Once again Barking Seed enabled!

在队列上重新启用触发机制Re-enable triggering on the queue

是否默认启用bitmap字体?。Enable bitmapped fonts by default?

缺省情况下启用的自动配置Auto-configuration enabled by default

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JMX监控也启用了。JMX monitoring has also been enabled.

在字段格式器中启用微数据Enabling microdata in field formatters

启用这种别名是一种双线操作。Enabling this is a two-line operation.

启用登陆到数据存储服务器。Enable logons to the data store server.

过期监视是缺省启用的。Expiration monitoring is on by default.

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我该如何启用停止追踪的功能?How does the Do-not-track feature work?

记得启用这些平台统计数据。Remember to enable those platform stats.

点击Swype对应的复选框,以启用它。Tap the checkbox for Swype to enable it.

启用PostgreSQL的多查询支持Enable Multi Query support for PostgreSQL

启用或禁用一个查询执行跟踪。Enables or disables a query execution trace.

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右键单击复制并粘贴现在已经启用。Right-click copy and pasting is now enabled.

他们现在应该可以启用代理了。They should now be able to enable the agent.

在某一特效旁边的复选框上打勾以启用它。Check the box next to an effect to enable it.