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在瀑布下的深潭里赤裸游泳。To swim naked under waterfalls.

悲伤的灵魂在无底的深潭里哭泣。Woeful souls are wailing in an abysmal pond.

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镇前有深潭,清澈而不见底。Pit in front of the town, clear and not bottom.

偶然,他让他的斧头掉进一个深潭。By accident, he let his axe drop into a deep pool.

回忆是一个深潭,一旦跌入需要一辈子来爬出。Memory is a deep lake, once fell into a life to come out.

园区内,热的泉水一路欢唱着流经熔岩、汇入深潭。Here , hot spring water runs down over rocks into deep pools.

迪奥悲伤的笑了,他的眼睛沉浸在痛苦和愤怒的深潭中。Duo grinned sadly, his eyes becoming dark pools of sorrow and anger.

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我紧握她冰凉的手并凝视她的双眸——正如两汪深潭。I held her cold hands and gazed at her eyes---two deep water-worlds.

山区河流发育的阶梯—深潭系统具有显著的生态学作用。The development of step-pool system plays an important role in stream ecology.

塞姆自己太高兴了,以致于没有注意到波光粼粼的鱼雷从深潭处涌现出来。He was too pleased with himself to notice the shimmering torpedo emerge from the depths.

形状指数可知浅流的嵌块体最偏离正方形,深潭较趋近于正方形。In shape index, pool is the most closed to a square, but glide revealed discrepancy in a square.

先前被扇耳光的那位一不小心陷入深潭之中,差点被淹死,他的朋友连忙相救。The one, who had been slapped, got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him.

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可不还得有一条小溪,碧绿的深潭鲤鱼在游泳?他看不见这些,却明知道它们就在附近。Surely somewhere nearby, but out of sight, there must BE a stream with green pools where dace were swimming?

有时他们必须侧身顺此走廊前进,有时涉水穿过水流不深的小溪,或者游水越过深潭。They had to edge their way along this, sometimes wading across shallow streams, or swimming across deep pools.

这可能让我们身处于与即也许只是游泳爱好者还可能是海怪的人们的社交深潭中。This can put us in deep social water with people who might simply be enthusiastic swimmers but could also be sea monsters.

吉姆则说他像一只水獭,因为他总是喜欢在深潭里翻滚、旋转,还能在水下呆很长时间。Jim said he felt like an otter , since he loved to turn and twist in the deep pools and could swim under water a long ways.

——南极冰川下面有一个阴冷没有空气的深潭,这里常年不见阳光,似乎在这里很难找到生命体。Beneath an Antarctic glacier in a cold, airless pool that never sees the sun seems like an unusual place to search for life.

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深潭与浅濑具较高的平均嵌块体分维数,表具有较复杂的边缘。Pool and glide have the high values of area weighted mean patch fractal dimension which shows that the edge is more complex.

通常一个外表成稳的人会隐藏其特质。就如深潭中的水般平静。A person's calm exterior often conceals great depths of character, just as the deepest streams can have the smoothest surfaces.

水边有着浅浅的沙滩。溪水绕过一片悬崖脚下的时候,积成一个深潭。It stretched away, pebbly-bottomed with shallows and big boulders and a deep pool as it curved away around the foot of a bluff.