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它带有一个500万像素的照相机。It's got a 5 mega-pixel camera.

你是“像素控”吗?How Many Megapixels Do you Need?

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应用像素贴紧技术使得文本更清晰More clarity with Pixel Snapping

荷兰在1000百万像素疯狂。Dutch madness in 1000 megapixels.

设置像素的位块传输帧Setting the pixels blitting frame

两个按钮之间的20像素空距。Space of 20px between two buttons.

贴图的最左端像素位置。Left-most pixel position of the texture.

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它拥有500万像素的带闪光灯的摄像头。Include a 5- megapixel camera with flash.

对象可以在像素级别上精确对位。Place objects with pixel-level precision.

请求小对象——1x1像素的GIF图片Requesting a Small Object – 1x1 pixel GIF

高像素化和多功能化。Ans. High pixels and additional functions.

贴图的最下端像素位置。Bottom-most pixel position of the texture.

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设置一个矩阵用于像素矫正渲染。Setup a matrix for pixel-correct rendering.

以像素为单位的新置顶便笺默认宽度。Default width for new sticky notes in pixels.

每个像素都有各自的颜色和亮度。Each pixel is assigned a color and intensity.

整个图表大小是12528*8352像素。The entire chart is 12, 528 by 8, 352 pixels.

每个图标都是一副16x16像素的图形。Each icon corresponds to a 16x16 pixels image.

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观众们瞪眼看着一排排红色像素。The audience stares at the rows of red pixels.

观众们瞪眼看着那排红色像素。The audience stares at the rows of red pixels.

如何通过纹理举9像素着色器吗?。How to pass textures to DirectX 9 pixel shader?