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买房时他向她敲竹杠。He did her down over selling the house.

很好,但是小心别被人敲竹杠!Meedhupparu- Good, but don't get ripped off!

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在一些旅游城市,游客们经常被敲竹杠。In some tourist cities, tourists are often ripped off.

我被敲竹杠了,多付了那个小贩的钱。I got ripped off for paying extra money to that vendor.

“这是下流的敲竹杠的企图,”匹克威克先生说。It's a vile attempt to extort money, " said Mr. Pickwick."

这家餐馆的价格令人难以置信—简直是在敲竹杠。The prices in this restaurant are unbelievable-it's highway robbery.

谨慎回复博客文章、“敲竹杠”的报告和抨击论坛的话Respond to blog posts, “rip-off” reports, and forum bashing carefully

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在另一方面,你可能会被敲竹杠,因为你不知道卖方。On the other hand, you might get ripped off since you don't know the seller.

这完全是在对许多患有癌症的贫困老人和美国纳税人的钱包敲竹杠。It was a complete rip-off of the wallets of many cancer-stricken elderly and U.

竹笋姑娘的娇美,恰恰是被“敲竹杠”的缘由。A sweet and pretty bamboo shoots girl , the bamboo is exactly knocked for itself.

这样,我们都可以互相帮助,找到好的代理商,以免被敲竹杠。This way we can all help each other to find good agents and avoid being ripped off.

简直是敲竹杠!我可以用一半的价钱在这条街的商店里买到同样的东西。That's highway robbery! I can buy the same thing for half the price at the shop down the road!

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园内有许多价位合理的餐饮场所—你丝毫不会感到是被敲竹杠了!There were many choices of places to eat at very reasonable prices – you did not feel ripped off at all.

我们将阻止这些敲竹杠的行为,约束肆无忌惮的放贷人,并帮助你们实现家庭未来财务状况的安全。We'll help stop predatory practices, and curb unscrupulous lenders, helping secure your family's financial future.

对那些来英国观看奥运的海外游客来说,如果你不明白“敲竹杠”是什么意思,你很快会亲自感受到的。For any overseas visitors coming to these games, If you don't know what Rip-off Britain means, you will soon find out.

然而事实上,很久以来我们一直可以在欧洲来个价格公道的旅行-当地人觉得被敲竹杠有好多年了。In reality, however, we've been getting a cheap ride in Europe for a long time — the locals have felt ripped off for years.

任何时候,任何一样这些商品的价格高于先前的价位,消费者就开始忿忿,感觉遭人敲竹杠。Whenever any of these items rises above its previous level the consumer becomes indignant, and feels that he is being rooked.

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但在合作研发过程中,企业投入的专用性资产容易受到合作者的机会主义行为的侵害,产生敲竹杠问题。During the course of co-operational RD, the specific asset invested by enterprises may be seized by copartners, then the hold-up problem arises.

当你看到球员身价高的离谱的时候,你有没有想过因为桑德兰有一笔不小的预算,所以也许有人会敲竹杠?When you see silly money being mentioned for players are you concerned that people may bump up the price cause they know Sunderland have a few quid?

由于审计契约的不完全性和审计师对客户进行首次审计时的专用性投资,客户的经理层存在激励对审计师敲竹杠。The incompletion of audit contract and auditors special investment in the initial auditing breed an incentive that clients managers hold up auditors.