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此外,本研究也可用于指导毛竹林火烧迹地上的更新工作。Besides, this study also could be used in regeneration of fire-slash bamboo forest.

采伐剩余物迹地清理是森林作业的重要组成部分之一。Forest harvesting slash disposal is one of the important parts of forest operations.

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从2001年起,在榆林红石峡飞播试验区对飞播灌木林火烧迹地进行调查研究。It started a study on the aerial bush in Hongshixia burned area in Yulin since 2001.

降雨能使火烧迹地的土壤密度和分散系数升高、孔隙度下降。Rainfall makes the soil density and disperse coefficient increased and porosity decreased.

长期以来,在老桃园的迹地上再植桃树,往往生长不良,严重时甚至死亡。For a long time, peach trees planted on old peach sites often grow poorly or not survive at all.

尤其是采伐迹地留育阔叶树萌芽条和阔叶树残次林的复壮,更具省工、投资少、见效快。Especially the former two ways have advantages of economizing labor, less investment and quicker return.

次生林采伐迹地更新所形成的人工林表现出不稳定性。What regeneration of harvested slash of secondary forest formed artificial plantation performs non-stable.

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欧洲和北美相继开展了在泥炭开采迹地种植泥炭藓的实验研究。Europe and North America launched experiments in planting Sphagnum at peat exploiting slashes in succession.

石灰岩采石迹地对淮南城市景观生态有着强烈负面干扰。The limestone mining wasteland has strong negative disturbance for landscape ecology of Huainan, Anhui province.

就在几十年前,18世纪70年代,联邦政府开始接管那些因拖欠税款而丧失使用权的砍伐迹地。Just decades earlier, in the 1870s, the state had begun taking over parcels of cutover land forfeited for nonpayment of taxes.

根据1992、1994、1996、1999和2001年对缙云山风灾迹地常绿阔叶林生态恢复的调查资料,对优势种群分布格局和动态进行了研究。We investigated the species, quantity and growth state of the plants at the winddamaged slash in 1992,1994,1996,1999 and 2001.

在12块采伐迹地标准地调查中,共出现天然更新的乔灌木树种13种,487株。In the research on 12 standard plots of cutover land, there were 13 tree and shrub species and 487 seedlings for natural regeneration.

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本文以覆盖福州市及周边地区的五期TM图像为例,进行森林火烧迹地的自动提取研究。Multi-temporal TM images covering Fuzhou city and its neighboring area are selected as case study in order to extract fire scars quickly.

采用逐步回归方法建立了草地头火速度、火强度、火烧迹地形状的预测模型。A predictive model for head fire speed, fire intensity, and shape of burning site in grassland were established by step statistical method.

冬季选择皆伐人工更新迹地高于择伐人工更新迹地。The winter choice all cuts down the artificial regeneration mark to be higher than the selective felling artificial regeneration mark place.

文中简述了火烧迹地更新与恢复的研究历史,当前的研究内容及发展方向。This paper demonstrates the research history of post-fire recovery, and describes the present research and the research tendency in the future.

在综合国内外有关研究成果基础上.本文对森林采伐作业对迹地径流水质的影响进行了研究。The authors of this Paper analyzed the effects of forest harvesting operations on the quality of water in the brooks within the harvested areas.

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结果表明,迹地清理方式对作业迹地土壤理化特性产生一定程度的影响,进而影响森林采伐后的迹地天然更新与苗木生长质量。Through the research, it is explicit that slash disposal has also affected on the physical and chemical properties of soil on the harvested sites.

森林火烧迹地的鸟类群落与灌丛草地的鸟类群落相似度高,与人工樟子松林的鸟类群落相似度低。Similar index of the bird community of the burned forests areas and the brush grassland was high, however, and the artificial Mongolian pine forests were low.

结果显示,自然恢复地的生物多样性及群落组成与结构效果优于未治理迹地与人工恢复林地的生物多样性及群落组成与结构。The result showed that the effects of biodiversity and community composition and structure were superior to those of non-controlled area and the man-made recovering area.