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了。也得看天时地利人和。Also get see weather land utilization a person with.

有时候一个完美的作品天时地利人和缺一不可。Sometimes things come along at the perfect time and it's sort of fate.

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考虑到天时地利人和,你认为休伊特在比赛中有什么优势?Q.What does the home?court advantage mean to Lleyton Hewitt in terms of crowd support?

和顺,一座滇西小镇,占尽了天时地利人和。Heshun, a small township in west Yunnan, has favorable climatic and geographic conditions and unity of people.

明天,有了天时地利人和,他们也许就能得到来自于像巴西和中国大企业的垂青。Tomorrow, with luck and effort, they may win the business of big companies based in countries such as Brazil and China.

最好的不一定最适合,爱需要天时地利人和,我相信缘分命中注定。The best is not necessarily the most suitable, love needs right place at the right, I believe that the predestined fate.

具备“天时地利人和”的优势是百色起义成功的原因。Thanks to the advantages of good timing, geographical convenience and good human relations, its success is a historical necessity.

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我认为天时地利人和、好的产品和机制比单纯的聪明才智更重要。I believe it's better to be at the right place, at the right time with the right company, product, leadership and system than it is to be smart.

并购贷款一般涉及数额较大,业内人士预计,财大气粗的国有商业银行将占尽天时地利人和。M &A loans generally involve larger amounts, the industry is expected, the rich will be the most state-owned commercial banks at the right time.

所以说,韩朝关系能否取得突破还差临门一脚,还要看天时地利人和等各方面条件是否能同时具备。So, short of a breakthrough inter-Korean relations can be paid off, but also the favorable factors such as whether the various conditions concurrently.

虽然犯了一次错误,红军已卷土重来此地利人和之边界,前途希望还是不恶。Despite that mistake, the Red Army has returned to the border area where the terrain is favourable and the people are friendly, and the prospects are not bad even now.

英格兰也可以走得很远,鲁尼和卡里克的世界杯可以很成功,英格兰也是夺冠的热门,我觉得英格兰现在天时地利人和都占了。Behind Brazil and Spain, England are my next favourites to win it. I think it's the right climate, the right coach, the right time. Wayne and the rest could gain immortality.