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他行为恶劣。He behaved badly.

行为恶劣的男人。Men Behaving Badly.

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感冒了或者是肚子痛恶劣?Have a cold or a tummy ache?

我受够了他的恶劣行径。I've had enough of his crap.

我们的恶劣房东需要钱。Our slumlords need the money.

她的恶劣行径使我惊讶。Her nastiness really threw me.

搬弄是非者,恶劣甚于贼。A tattler is worse than a thief.

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恶劣行径带不来荣誉。An ill deed cannot bring honour.

恶劣的天气能成就非凡的影像,最好是风雨交加的天气。Bad weather makes great pictures.

因为天气恶劣我们的计划大受影响。Bad weather be devilled our plans.

天气恶劣,我们的计画全毁了。The weather wrecked all our plans.

这个雇主只是个恶劣地土暴发户而已。The employer is a bad parvenu only.

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他的恶劣行为值得注意。His bad behaviour rewards attention.

你今晚的行为是恶劣的。The food in this hotel is abominable.

你今晚的行为是恶劣的。Your behavior tonight was abominable.

恶劣的天气会很危险。It is very dangerous on bad-weather day.

气候干旱而严寒,自然条件恶劣。The Climate there is quite dry and cold.

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选情不但胶着,并且越来越恶劣。The race is close and increasingly nasty.

心境恶劣障碍,也叫做恶劣心境。Dysthymic disorder, also called dysthymia.

去年,中国股市环境恶劣。Last year Chinese stocks performed poorly.