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我专程来看望你的。I come here just to see you.

我是专程来办一件差事的。I've come on a special errand.

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别专程去寻找爱情,让爱情来发现你。Don't find love, let love find you.

我们专程赶去看他。We went there specially to see him.

他是专程从广州到这里来拜访的。He's here on a visit from Guangzhou.

他是专程来这里拜访她们的。He was purposely coming to visit them.

我是专程来这里向你请教的。I came here specially to ask you for advice.

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一些情侣专程飞到拉斯维加斯结婚。Some couples fly off Las Vegas to tie the knot.

感谢各位专程远道造访本公司。Thank you for coming all the way to my company.

我是专程来出席这次重要会议的。I came here specially for the important meeting.

我专程去学校就是为了见那位老师。I went to the school specially to see the teacher.

您顺路来还是专程来作生意的?You came here only for this business or by the way only?

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诸景传说众多,常有著名的画家专程来此览胜作画。Famous painters usually go there on special trip for drawing.

他原来在夏威夷度假专程回来处理这些事情。He was on vacation in Hawaii and came back to deal with this.

山姆先生是我的知已,这次我是专程来帮他忙的。Mr. Sam is my bosom friend. I come here to help him specially.

专程为品尝香河肉饼而来的也不在少数。Xianghe meatloaf made a special trip to enjoy a few have come.

他还有一位朋友,还专程飞赴上海,扮演异国的大买家。Another was flown to Shanghai to act as a seasonal gifts buyer.

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加曼斯博士专程到捷克共和国去学习这个方法。Dr Gammans travelled to the Czech Republic to learn the method.

她专程回家乡去看望她生病的母亲。She retrained to her hometown specially to see her sick mother.

在德州的休斯顿市,狗儿们还能享用专程送上门的晚餐。In Houston, Texas dogs can have their dinner delivered to their home.