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很多人摆脱了羞怯。Many outgrow their shyness.

羞怯是脱贫之敌。Bashfulness is an enemy to poverty.

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羞怯的玫瑰刺儿缠身。The modest Rose puts forth a thorn.

布什羞怯地朝女王看去,女王则透过她黑白相间的礼帽回视了布什一眼。Bush looked at the queen sheepishly.

他的羞怯在她的亲切态度之下消失了。His shyness thawed under her kindness.

他的才华为其羞怯所遮覆。His talent was submerged By his shyness.

一只隐藏着的羞怯的小鸟唱着一支歌。A shy and hidden bird is warbling a song.

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这个乡下姑娘羞怯地垂下了眼睛。The country girl cast down her eyes shyly.

丢弃你的羞怯,大胆地爱抚我。Discard your pudency, fondle me audaciously.

他有个羞怯的小妻子相伴。He was accompanied by his mousy little wife.

张赫对用英文说笑话并不羞怯。Jang Hyuk is not shy to crack jokes in English.

谦逊虽是美德,羞怯却是缺点。Tho modesty is a virtue, bashfulness is a vice.

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这个羞怯的小姑娘只背对裘一个人倾吐自己的心曲。To Jo alone did the shy girl tell her thoughts.

一次羞怯的失败比一次自大的成功更高贵。A shy failure is nobler than an immodest success.

我要彻底克服我的懒惰与羞怯。I want to thoroughly conquer my shininess and laziness!

谦逊固为美德,羞怯却是瑕疵。Though modesty be a virtue , yet bashfulness is a vice.

小要羞怯地笑了,同时红着脸点了点头。Kaname smiled sheepishly, even as she blushed and nodded.

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像一只羞怯的鸟,你满怀热爱地飞到我胸前。Like a timorous bird you fly to my breast with eager love.

给,我没有别的可捐了。她羞怯地补充说。Here it is, I have nothing else to give, she added timidly.

这女孩非常羞怯,在公共场合总是窘得说不出话来。As shy as Daphne, the girl is always coy of speech in public.