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目不暇给的魔术变换,让他们忘了回家的路。Mesmerized by the dazzling magic, they forget their way home.

这出电影透过某些如炼金术般神奇的手法,把本来沉闷的小说变为一次令人目不暇给的视觉旅程。This movie, through some sort of alchemy, has turned an otherwise dull novel into an arresting visual journey.

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此时城堡内部是不对外开放的,不过看看开放部份的花园、建筑、以及景观就让人觉得目不暇给了。It was closed for the winter season. However, the gardens, the building itself, and the scenery were enough to me for my short trip.

在这充满令人目不暇给奇景的美丽世界里,要亲身体会到这些并不难。It’s an absolutely amazing, brilliant, beautiful world out there filled with dazzling wonders that are readily available for you to experience.

在南森那些令人目不暇给的成就里,反而是“弗拉姆”在1893年到1896年之间的悲惨旅程让他的人生富有戏剧性。For all of Nansen's protean accomplishments, it was the harrowing journey of the Fram between 1893 and 1896 that gave his life story real drama.

翻阅菜单,已令人目不暇给,而每一道出品,更是精致地道,其来有自。Reading through the menu, you will find out each dish is authentic with its own history. Even for the most common ingredients, the chef brings you incredible taste.

京渍物颜色鲜艳,通常人们会将不同颜色,不同形状的渍物放在一起,使人有目不暇给之感。Kyoto tukemono has brightly color, usually, people will layout with different colors, different shapes of tukemono together, to make spectators feel brilliant and splendid.

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美不胜收的年货常常让人看了目不暇给,就让我们来引见一些新年必备的应景食物,希望能为您带来好运。It's easy to be dazzled and overwhelmed by all the different choices, so let us introduce you to a few must-have foods that you can prepare as you wish to ensure a happy new year.

马来西亚生态之旅马来西亚砂劳越的热带雨林是全世界最古老的雨林区之一,生物种类丰饶的令人目不暇给。Nick Vivion visits Penang, Malaysia and finds it to be one of the best food destinations in the world. From savoury to sweet he reckons Penang is a food paradise of epic proportions.

当今的金融体系,其复杂程度几乎达到让人眼花缭乱的地步,变化之快更是让人目不暇给,而监管部门的新规定往往都是在解决某个具体问题,比如禁止某类证券或是某类交易。The financial system today is almost dizzyingly complex and moving at light speed, and new rules tend to address fairly precise things, like banning specific types of securities or deals.