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物尽其用,而非浪费。请勿打印。Make sense, not waste. Don't hit print.

但你有没有做到物尽其用呢?But are you using it to your best advantage?

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我鼓励那些在网上购物的人去把每一分钱都物尽其用。I encourage anyone who shops online to make the most of every dollar.

意大利人讲求实际是出了名的,一切都要物尽其用。The Italians are eminently practical, and everything must have its use.

使用因特网比较多,而且物尽其用。that use the internet heavily and use it for what it should be used for.

在这样的条件下,传统的雅库食物总是物尽其用。In these conditions, traditional Yakut food always made use of whatever it could.

感谢你已经拥有的一切事物并物尽其用吧。So appreciate whatever material things you already have and make the most of them.

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效率?我们充分利用一切资源,绝不浪费,务求人尽其材、物尽其用。Efficiency We use resources to the full, waste nothing and do only what we can do best.

我有很多没用处的物品2.我有一些没用处的物品3大部分物品都用得上4.所有的东西都物尽其用。I have many useless objects 2.I have some useless objects 3.Most objects are useless 4.

这种人尽其才、物尽其用的人机系统是当前企业管理体系中计算机应用的主要格局。This system is the main pattern of using the computer into the management of the enterprise.

我们应该使物尽其用,否则将是浪费、亵渎和对其不敬。We should make the best use of everything or it will be a waste or a profane or irreverence.

最大的讽刺是使用效率系统,而不能做到物尽其用,反倒成了不做事情的理由。The biggest irony is using the productivity system as an excuse to not do what they need to do.

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手机是一个时尚的和有用的发明,所以我们应该使物尽其用。The mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ought to make the best use of it.

传统的处理方法是燃烧法,没有物尽其用,且造成环境污染。Traditional treatment way that destroyed by fire or explosion makes no profit and causes pollution.

“黑客工具如此之多,为了物尽其用,你需要建立一个软件包,”他说。"There are so many tools that one needs to have a package to make the best use of them," said Huang.

倡导用纱对口,有的放矢生产紧密纱,做到物尽其用,以取得更好的经济效益。The using and producing compact yarn must be proposed reasonably to achieve better econmnic benefits.

很显然,这种室内平面地图功能只有在你导航的建筑物空间足够大的情况下才能物尽其用。Obviously, indoor mapping is only useful when the building you're navigating is big enough to warrant it.

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但是,那些视力和听力从受损过的人们,却很少能使他们有福享得官能物尽其用。But those who have never suffered impairment of sight and hearing seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties.

以物尽其用的立法目标观察我国当下的物权立法,可知物权法草案在立法原则、具体制度和规则等方面仍然存在一定的偏差。It can be understood that the draft of property law of China is not good enough in the principle of legislation, specific system and rules.

挑战下自己,吃的好且少,交际但不花钱,物尽其用而不喜新厌旧。Challenge yourself to find ways to eat better for less, to socialize without spending and to make do with what you have instead of buying new.