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上帝是一个完美无瑕的父亲。God is a perfect father.

我阴沉着脸,瞪着他完美无瑕的面庞。I scowled at his perfect face.

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为你塑造完美无瑕的定妆效果。Create prefect and flawless fix effect.

公园干净整洁,看上去真是完美无瑕!The parks are clean and they look just perfect!

还有白色,真正的白色,质朴无华,完美无瑕。And white, true white, pristine and unblemished.

费加罗报称赞这部电影“完美无瑕”。Le Figaro newspaper called the film "faultless".

他们被称作完美无瑕和多元化,我想是这样的名字。called Flawless and also Diversity, I think they're called.

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现在静静的守候同时确保你的工作完美无瑕。For now, bide your time and make sure your work is flawless.

顾客支援?你不须要此。我们的程式完美无瑕疵。Customer Support? You won't need that. Our programs are flawless.

精织护甲是用雅灵完美无瑕的技术织成。Feyweave armor is woven with techniques perfected by the eladrin.

但是当时时刻刻一切皆完美无瑕,就像是演戏了。But when everything is all perfect, all the time, it seems like an act.

虽然他的作文写得完美无瑕,但老师对他的书法总是百般挑剔。His composition was flawless, yet the teacher cavilled at his handwriting.

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这个出色的男朋友简直是完美无瑕的----谁在乎他一穷二白,身无分文呢?This wonderful boyfriend was flawless — who cared about his pennilessness?

只有自己努力来雕琢这块璞玉,才能使它成为完美无瑕的艺术品。Only their efforts to carve the diamond, can we make it a flawless artwork.

另外两个女孩同时朝着绳索做侧手翻,动作整齐划一,完美无瑕。With perfect synchronization, two other girls cartwheeled toward the ropes.

申雪和越宏博试作的和一个四周抛跳完美无瑕。The first throw quad salchow Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo attempted was flawless.

肖特说这件作品上共有1,841个单独的笔画,每一笔都必须完美无瑕。He says there are 1,841 separate engraved strokes, each of which must be perfect.

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大自然并非完美无瑕,自然组织中的差异性更加有趣。Nature is not perfect and variation within organization leads to greater interest.

排水装置和房顶斜度细节有效地造就了房子的完美无瑕外观。The guttering and roof pitch details help to create the house's seamless appearance.

虽然他的作文写得完美无瑕,但老师对他的书法总是百般挑剔。Although his composition was flawless, the teacher was always cavilling at his handwriting.