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如同清亮的溪涧,在风里,在我眼前。Like a clear stream, in the wind, in my eyes.

你猜什么,他选择了溪涧木筏。You guessed it, he chose white-water rafting.

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溪涧和河川挣开了冰结的镣铐。And streams and rivers freed from irons of ice.

阳光下,银色的溪涧,曲折蜿蜒,流向四方。Under the warm sun silver creeks were coiling in all directions.

下游为白马涧溪涧,供游人戏水、观光。The lower reaches of the White Horse Streams, for visitors playing and tourists.

广泛分布于本港淡水溪涧及河口水域。A widespread goby occurring in many of the freshwater streams and rive mouths in Hong Kong.

农民四处散居于溪涧河流上下各处,一家一家之间隔得很远。Farmers scattered up and down the creeks and rivers, with great distances between families.

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当温度加热,融化的积雪和发送到河流和溪涧的水级联。When temperatures heated up, it melted the snowpack and sent water cascading into rivers and streams.

森林防止了水土流失,为河流和溪涧提供洁净的水源,并存储了大量的碳。They prevent soil erosion, provide clean water in their rivers and streams, and store enormous amounts of carbon.

这细小的芦笛,你已带它翻过山岭、涉过溪涧,拿着它吹出永远常新的曲调。This little of a reed thou hast carried over hills and dales, and hast breathed through it melodies eternally new.

有时,如果我很幸运,我把手轻轻地放在一棵小树上,还能感受到一只高声歌唱的小鸟的愉快颤抖,我十分快乐地让小溪涧的凉水穿过我张开的手指流淌过去。Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently on a small tree and feel the happy quiver of a bird in full song.

幸运的是,许多规模较小的河流和溪涧洪峰已过,在未来的几天,预计将会继续消退的。Larger waterways downstream, including the Ohio River, will continue to rise until early next week with only minor flooding anticipated.

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因为我有爱,我爱大马哈鱼,爱窗外的树,爱还活在溪涧泥沙间的娃娃鱼,爱那些爬在枯叶里细条细条的火蜥蜴。Because I'm in love. With salmon, with trees outside my window, with baby lampreys living in sandy streambottoms, with slender salamanders crawling through the duff.

通过理论研究和若干实例分析,论述了现代岭南园林中溪涧形成、特色及其建造方法。Through analysis some of the examples, in order to research the method of the formation and special features and the construct of the mountain brook in modern Lingna gardens.

毛里求斯有连绵的山脉、河流、溪涧和瀑布,还有七色土丘陵、圣水湖印度教寺庙等旅行社推介的景点。There are miles and Mauritius of mountains, rivers, stream and waterfalls, there are seven colors soil water lake Hindu temples and hilly region, such as travel recommendation attractions.

密苏里的居民正在试图征服大自然,河流和溪涧中上涨的水位已经威胁到了他们的家园,他们正在装砌沙袋、收集财产。Residents in Missouri are trying to stay one step ahead of Mother Nature. They are filling sandbags and packing up belongings as swollen rivers and streams threaten to overtake homes and communities.