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这项工程明年上马。The project will start next year.

他给马套上马具去耕田。He tackled the horse up for plowing.

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然而,今天的上马黄头却已没有了水。Today, Shangma Huangtou has no water.

那小屁孩自己是怎么吊上马子的?How did that little yutz get a girl on his own?

而后,杰西卡的父亲将她放上马背。Then Jessika's father placed her on Mac's back.

他们跳上马,飞驰而去。They jumped on to their horses and dashed away.

他抓来一只水精,把她拉上马,绑在自己的身后。He caught a kelpie, and tied her behind him on his horse.

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这个时候,我立刻放下那只绑住的脚,并柔一柔,之后再上马。I immediately let the leg down, rubbed it, and got back on.

切纳利蜜斯,每次我一上马就是在拿我的生命冒险。Miss Chenery, I risk my life every time I climb on a horse.

我们会给他点颜色看看,给他上马嚼子,让他意识到自己行为的错误。We had to show him the error of his ways and used the curb.

王子看她穿好了鞋子,就把她当做新娘扶上马,并肩坐在一起离去了。He took her on his horse as his bride and rode away with her.

但是,这些都没有阻挡三峡工程的上马。but all these efforts failed to halt the pace of the project.

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我们在椅子的座位上加上马毛的衬垫使椅子坐起来柔软些。We padded the seat of the chair with horse-hair to make it soft.

在这群人的中央,有人拉着马镫以便另一个人跨上马去。In the centre someone was holding the stirrup for a man to mount.

表面撒上马苏里拉奶酪和帕尔玛干酪。Top with the mozzarella cheese and the remaining Parmesan cheese.

左玉琨被绑上马车,准备押解到司令部。ZuoYuKun tied on the carriage, ready to sent to the headquarters.

史考烈特,将他抬上马,头面对着尾巴。Lift him on the horse, Scarlett, and face his head toward its tail.

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自从这个新项目上马,我就忙得连口喘气机会都没有。Every since this new project started, I've been working my tail off.

他跳上马,朝寺庙方向飞奔而去。He jumped onto the horse and galloped in the direction of the temple.

你想在电子商务站点处在高峰时期的时候立即上马10个服务器吗?You want 10 servers for a peak on your e-Commerce site? You have them.