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他的专长是中国史。His specialty is Chinese history.

果真如此,由谁来决定每个人的专长?And if so, ? who could decide this?

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他的专长是研究蜘蛛。His specialty was researching spiders.

蒙塔诺专长于基金管理。Montano specializes in funds management work.

我是破坏王,破坏是我的专长。I'm a wrecker. I wreck things. Professionally.

怎样知道人们是否认为你的专长具有价值呢?How do you know if people value your expertise?

我什麽都能画,但脸部是我的专长。I can draw anything, but faces are my specialty.

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兼职专长是一类特殊的专长。Multiclass feats are a special category of feats.

换句话说,“人们要认为你的专长具有价值。”In other words, “people must value your expertise.

给领导溜须拍马也是他的专长。Licking the leaders'foots is also his strong point.

大规模仿建已成为中国的专长。Large-scale knock-offs have become a Chinese specialty.

突出他个人的专长为他带来了生意。Spotlighting his own expertise is bringing in business.

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当你创建一个1级角色的时候,你可以选择一个专长。When you create a 1st-level character, you select one feat.

创作令人惊异的平面广告是这位设计师的专长。The designer’s specialty is creating breathtaking print ads.

唐纳修专长于能源和资源的有关问题。Donoghue specializes in energy and resources-related matters.

他专长于民事和白领刑事诉讼案件。He specialises in civil and white-collar criminal litigation.

每个人,都有一件且只有一件专长吗?Is there one and only one thing ? that each person does best?

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在你拥有这项专长前,不要在扑克中的顺子上下赌注。Until you have the expertise, don't bet on an inside straight.

种族专长仅适用于人物的特定种族。Racial feats are available only to characters of a specific race.

他的专长是案例研究??把大家组成一个个辛迪加.。His speciality is case-studies?he organizes people into syndicates.