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PSN是对环节正中盆腔疼痛的最有效的治疗方法。PSN is most effective for relieving midline pelvic pain.

这同样适用于骨盆腔的静脉和松质骨出血。The same applies to venous and cancellous pelvic bleeds.

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在以上的图片中,我们展示了18种导致盆腔疼痛的常见原因。In the slides ahead, we explore 18 causes of pelvic pain.

腹直肌将胸腔拉向盆腔的方向。The rectus abdominus, tethers the rib cage to the pelvis.

目的探讨盆腔脓肿的治疗方法。Objective To explore treatment methods of pelvic abscesses.

卵巢囊肿可通过盆腔检查及超声检查确诊。Ovarian cysts can be identified with a pelvic exam or ultrasound.

盆腔痛是指发生在腹部脐部以下的疼痛。Pelvic pain refers to pain in the abdomen below the belly button.

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随着年龄增长,部分女性一些位于盆腔的器官会出现脱垂现象。Many women will have some type of pelvic organ prolapse as they age.

骨盆腔有血液淤积,说明当时她的心脏还在跳动。Pooling in the pelvic cavity. Which means her heart was stillpumping.

另例宫颈鳞状细胞癌,行盆腔清除术。This is another pelvic exenteration for cervical squamous cell carcinoma.

再次或第三次手术时加用前盆腔悬吊术。Anterior pelvic suspension was performed in the second or third procedure.

但是体积较大的卵巢囊肿会会导致盆腔痛,体重增加,以及尿频。But large cysts may cause pelvic pain, weight gain, and frequent urination.

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尸解中可见突出盆腔的是右侧卵巢巨大的团块。Seen here extending out of the pelvis at autopsy is a large right ovarian mass.

现就女性盆腔结核性包块正确的诊断方法作一综述。Some diagnostic methods of female pelvic-peritoneal tuberculosis were discussed.

观察两组治疗前后临床症状、盆腔血流、血液黏稠度的变化。The change of the clinical symptoms, pelvic blood flow and blood viscosity in b.

骨盆腔疼和腰痛与产后抑郁症状的关系C…Pelvic Girdle Pain and Lumbar Pain in Relation to Postpartum Depressive Symptoms.

由同样的妇科肿瘤学专家施行盆腔清扫术。All pelvic exenteration surgery was performed by the same gynecological oncologist.

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盆腔粘连、子宫内膜异位症和输卵管炎是引起不育症的主要盆腔疾病。Pelvic adhesions and endometriosis were major causes resulting in female in-fertility.

腹部压痛明显,盆腔检查提示宫颈摇摆痛。Abdominal tenderness is noted, and pelvic examination reveals cervical motion tenderness.

结论输卵管炎,盆腔粘连是重复异位妊娠的主要因素。Conclusion Salpingitis and pelvic adhesion are mainly factors of repeat ectopic pregnancy.