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我埋怨我们的父母。I blame our parents.

不要道歉,也不要埋怨谁,都是命。Don't blame anybody. It's fate.

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牢骚埋怨只是劳动过程的一部分。Grousing is just part of working.

语调是埋怨责怪的那种。The tone was bitter and accusatory.

我那十三岁的女儿嘀咕埋怨。my thirteen-year-old daughter moans.

一个不好的工匠常常埋怨他的工具。A bad stayman usually blames his tools.

他们总是埋怨伙食太差。They're always bitching about the food.

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为那件事而埋怨我是不太公平的。It's not very fair to blame me for that.

这就是怨家,他还是埋怨。No, he was still resentful and unrepentant.

“我觉得汤米不能埋怨恶报,”她说。“I don’t think Tommy can blame karma, ” she said.

“梅金,你差点落在我身上。”特雷福埋怨道。“Megan, you almost landed on me!” Trevor exclaimed.

向南找丁原埋怨,喝得大醉。Find rioux complains to the south, drink got wasted.

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埋怨生不逢,珍惜自己正逢其吧。Do not complain about fate, but treasure your living.

你埋怨自己命苦是没有用的。It does no good for you to repine at your unhappy lot.

王先生是位埋怨者,他不停地说他老闆坏话。As a complainer, Mr. Wang kept on bad-mouthing his boss.

我保证有人会因此而埋怨我。Or,at least,somebody will accuse me of that I guarantee.

我们应该做的是埋怨的反面——表扬。What we should do is the opposite of complaint-- praise.

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因为如今的生活环境你埋怨过他们吗?Do you blame them for the circumstances of your life today?

如果是你,你还会埋怨命运的不公吗?If you, you will also complain about the unfair fate of it?

他埋怨经常被上门的记者纠缠不休。He complained about being constantly doorstepped by the press.