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旧金山和纽约是美国的重要商港。San Francisco and New York are important mercantile ports in America.

阿布达比已经是国际化都市兼商港,异国风味的餐馆处处可见。Abu Dhabi is an internationalized city and harbor, and exotic restaurants can be found on every corner.

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删除有关商港建设费依进口出口货物价格收费规定。Article 7 repeals the provisions regarding charging port construction fees based on the price of imported or exported goods.

该公司指出,伊丽莎白二世号目前仍停靠在拉希德商港,但最后会移至干船坞以便开工。While it remains for the time being moored in the commercial Port Rashid, it will eventually move to dry docks for the work to begin, the company says.

荷兰人来到中国沿海的时候,澳门已被葡萄牙占居近半个世纪,发展成一个繁荣的国际商港。When Dutch arrived at the coast of China, Macao had been invaded by Portuguese near half century, which developed to be a prosperous international comrrercial harbor.

专业的汽车进出口通道、广阔的港口、经济要地、便捷的立体交通网络、先进的数字管理系统,使这里成为信息化的国际商港。Its auto import and export dock, adequate storage facilities, convenient transportation networks and digitalized management system all make it an advanced international port.

箔子寮港曾是云林县唯一不积沙的港湾,古时是舟船云集、贸易鼎盛的商港,后来因泥沙淤积,盛况不再。Buozihliao Harbor has been the only harbor without sand deposition in Yunlin County and in the early days, it has been full of boats and was a merchant port with prosperous trading.

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又称“乔治亚市”或“乔治城”,位于槟榔屿的东北端,是马来西亚最大的国际自由商港和全国第二大城市。Say again "Georgia city" or "George city", is located in the northeast of betelnut lantau, Malaysia's largest international free commercial ports, and the nation's second largest city.

辽宁有绵长的海岸线,现已建成商港十处,形成了以大连、营口为枢纽,丹东、锦州为两翼,布局比较合理的港口群。Liaoning has an abundance of coastline, has now been completed ten ports, formed in Dalian, Yingkou for the hub, Dandong, Jinzhou for the two wings, a more reasonable distribution of ports.

几年来,在我国北方大型国际商港港口——锦州港的大力支持下,公司取得了长足的发展。In recent years, the company has made large development and gain the satisfying accomplishment on the support of Jinzhou Port, the large opening international commercial port in north of China.