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小桃,有动静吗?Peach, any movement?

个月没动静。No movement in a month.

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我没听到什么动静。I've got nothing to wear.

因此动静全无。Hence nothing was stirring.

你祷告,但毫无动静。You pray, but nothing happens.

听见阿谁动静,她就哭了。On hearing that, she cried out.

毫无动静,肯定家里没有人。I'm sure there's no one at home.

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但是头顶上有什么动静。But something was going on overhead.

稍有动静,鹿就会受到惊吓。The deer spooked at any disturbance.

鹤民听到动静,夺门而入。Crane people heard movement, door in.

可是竹子的种子却毫无动静。Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed.

她耳背,听不到他的动静。She does not hear him, for she is deaf.

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他听到附近森林里有一些动静。He hears something in the forest nearby.

一整天我等在自己的房间里听动静。All day I waited in my rooms, and listened.

听见这个好动静然后,所有的男孩都笑了。Bll the boys laughed to hear the good news.

树林里因有不知名的小鸟而有动静。The woods were aflutter with unknown birds.

我正编辑这盘带子时,听到了什么动静。I was editing the tape when I heard a noise.

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隔音玻璃挡住了里边的动静。Soundproof glass muffled any noise, however.

不过听见他在厨房里的动静我就醒了。But I woke up when I heard him in the kitchen.

然而,这一次,却毫无动静,他的痛楚依旧。But nothing happened. The pain was still there.