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让世上有光吧!Let there be light!

我是世上最和善的人。I'm the mildest man alive.

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他是世上非常和善的人了。He is the mildest man alive.

是珠儿叫我还活在世上!Pearl keeps me here in life!

世上最纯的女孩。World's neatest little girl.

哦,伙计,世上没有免费的午餐。Oh guy, there is no free lunch.

最后一个人只好尽其可能活在世上。One lives, in fine, as one can.

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那么你是世上最幸福的人了.So you are on top of the world.

你们是世上最幸福的钓鱼人。I am really jealous of you guys.

这世上没有外星怪客这东西!There be no such thing as aliens!

在这世上曾有人视你如珍宝。You were cherished in this world.

飘流世上一梦千年?Fugue world dream of a millennium?

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这样一毛不拔的吝啬鬼世上少见。Such close-fisted misers are rare.

这世上还有谁如此的爱花呢?This world Who so loved the tweed?

不要害怕犯错-世上本没有错误。Do not fear mistakes-there are none.

他肯定是世上最可怜的皇帝。He must be the poorest emperor ever.

我不会畏惧这世上的任何人。Ishall not fear anyone on the earth.

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他们是世上的废物。These are the wretched of the earth.

把玩具开动,让娃娃唱歌世上只有妈妈好。Yes, my doll can sing . sing a song.

这世上的辩士在那里。where is the disputer of this world?