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可是他仍旧将信将疑。But he was still doubtful.

胡德一开始将信将疑,但后来信任她了。Hood was wary but he grew to trust her.

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你永远不会有太大的进步,因为连你自己也对自己付出过的努力将信将疑。You never really make too much progress because of these half-asked actions.

“不知道车上有没有医生,”他喃喃地说,一面将信将疑地朝车厢内四面望望。"Wonder if there's a doctor on board, " he murmured, looking uncertainly about the car.

在印尼,政府虽然一再辟谣“没有数据丢失”,但媒体依然将信将疑。In Indonesia, the Government has repeatedly rumor "no data loss", but the media remain skeptical.

然而,将信将疑,爱唱反调也并不一定是件坏事。Less trust and more cantankerousness might not necessarily be a bad thing, however, Hamann and his group wrote.

鲁滨逊与星期五将信将疑,后来更意外得知另一名人质就是鲁滨逊的父亲拜耳罗姆。Crusoe and Friday partially, then more accidentally learned that the other hostages is Crusoes father bayer roma.

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“大马虎”将信将疑地揭开水壶盖,只听“扑通”一声响,把“大马虎”吃了一大惊。"Big sloppy" skeptical to open a bottle cap, only listen to "thump" sound one, put the "big sloppy" ate one turn.

当大夫告诉他这只是一个小手术,时间不会超过一个小时时,他脸上露出了将信将疑的神色。When the doctor told him that it was only a minor operation that would take no more an hour, there was an incredulous look on his face.

在这个失败多余成功的领域里,当获知一种艾滋病新疫苗有效的消息时,专家们全都将信将疑。In a field that has seen more failure than success, experts received the news of an effective new AIDS vaccine with a fair share of skepticism.

他双手握住钢管,让身体伸展开来,与地面平行,将“扯旗”动作展现在将信将疑的观众面前。Shields wooed a skeptical crowd with moves like 'the body flag, ' in which he gripped the pole with his hands and stretched his body out horizontally.

希拉里说她第一次看到我时,我正在耶鲁大学法学院大厅里向我将信将疑的同学们吹牛,说霍普镇的西瓜是如何如何大。Hillary says the first time she ever saw me, I was in the Yale Law School lounge bragging to skeptical fellow students about the size of Hope watermelons.

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而我们应该说,那红字深深烙进海丝特的胸膛,因此在那个传说中包含着比我们如今将信将疑的更多的真理。And we must needs say, it seared Hester's bosom so deeply, that perhaps there was more truth in the rumour than our modern incredulity may be inclined to admit.

不过,贷款利率的微增,能否让竟已波及到康巴什之类偏远地区的疯狂建设热潮降温,分析家依旧是将信将疑。But within China, analysts doubt the small increase in lending rates will slow the incredible building bonanza that is reaching even remote regions, like this one.

也许正想着一个有马和车的很早以前已经消失的真的大盗,Klim从林子里面走了出来,将信将疑的走向他的乘客。Klim, probably reflecting that a real robber would have vanished long ago with the horse and cart, came out of the forest and went hesitatingly up to his passenger.

“我在学校的时候一直相信只是改变命运的说法,”郭说,“但自从我开始工作以后,我就对这点将信将疑了。”"When I was at school, I believed in the saying, 'Knowledge can help you turn over a new leaf, '" says Guo. "But since I've started working, I only half-believe it.

我知道我们对人总是抱以将信将疑,若非有坦诚不公之需时,会本能的掩藏真实的想法,曲解内心深处的情感。And I know that we distrust one another all the while, and instinctively conceal or misrepresent our actual thoughts and emotions when there is no very apparent need.

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普雷特将信将疑,但诺德向他保证,由于急需资金,开颜姐妹会已批准文物的出售事宜,不过,为了隐瞒姐妹会的窘境,她们不想将此事声张出去。Pratuhr was suspicious but Nod assured him the Sisterhood had authorized the sale to raise desperately needed funds but wanted to keep it quiet to hide their dire situation.

事实上,我对任何能真实反映一个人的大脑的复杂性和独特性或者有意义地描述他/她的潜在本质的体系将信将疑。In fact, I hesitate to believe that any system could really reflect the complexity and uniqueness of one person’s mind, or meaningfully describe the nature of his or her potential.