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什么是反物质?What Is Antimatter?

我们有一种工作物质。We have a substance.

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这种酸性物质对金属发生作用。This acid acts on metal.

盐是一种有用的物质。Salt is a useful substance.

我们是由软性物质组成的。We are made of soft matter.

利用纯物质的性质。And using the pure substance.

绝大多数物质有三态。Most matter has three states.

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这种物质会挥发掉。This substance will fly off.

在你的物质生活保持节俭。Be frugal in your material life.

两种物质血液和水。Two substances, blood and water.

你得到的是某种程度上的混合物质。You have a mixture of some sort.

肉体意味着躯体和物质。Corporeal means bodily ,material.

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言外之意是,人不能只追求物质生活。Man does not live by bread alone.

物质呻吟着触摸着你的手。Matter groans to touch your hand.

这种物质通常被用作柴火。This material is known as stover.

物质实体都不具有生命力No material object could be alive.

它们从不触及内部物质。They never touch the inner matter.

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是A物质的分压。This is the partial pressure of A.

我们所说的物理物质究竟为何物呢?What do we mean by physical stuff?

在天线部位涂上绝缘物质Non-conductive Coating Over Antenna