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对于升华和蒸发。For sublimation. Or vaporization.

水通过蒸发进入空气。Water enters air via evaporation.

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你有蒸发小面包和鞋子吗?Do you have steamed bun and shoes?

阳光蒸发了晨露。The sun evaborated the morning dew.

阳光蒸发了晨露。The sun evaporated the morning dew.

阳光使海水蒸发。The sun exhales vapours from the sea.

我们有一个盖子防止水蒸发。We have a cover to prevent evaporation.

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水点在阳光下蒸发。The spot of water evaporated in the sun.

“这是湿气在蒸发哩,”乔答。"It's the dampness drying, " replied Jo.

水坑在阳光下迅速蒸发。The puddle evaporated rapidly in the sun.

原来满脑子的恐惧似乎一下子都蒸发了。A lot of my fear just seemed to evaporate.

渗漏不断,水体蒸发。They are leaking and water is evaporating.

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硅通常是通过共蒸发来加入的。Silicon is usually added by co-evaporation.

使用了两种类型的直接蒸发盘管。Two types of direct expansion coil are used.

掌握不感蒸发与发汗。To master insensible evaporation and sweating.

矿床的含矿岩系大多含有蒸发岩。There are evaporite beds or evaporite minerals.

更多的水则是从植物的叶子上蒸发。More water evaporates from the leaves of plants.

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太阳的热将海水蒸发。The sun's heat vaporizes the water of the ocean.

当天气干燥时水蒸发的更加迅速。Water evaporates more quickly during dry weather.

这些植物进行蒸发,释放出更多的水蒸气。The plants transpire to give off more water vapor.