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我们希望它奏效。We hope it works.

那并没有奏效。That didn't pan out.

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那样可能奏效That would make sense.

如此的自行-治理常可奏效。Such self-governance often worked well.

但是这些计划都无法长期奏效。But these schemes never worked for long.

我想,七年之痒已经开始奏效了。I think I have just opened the floodgate.

如果你把精力集中在改变习惯上的话,一切进步都会奏效的。It works, if you focus on changing habits.

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与微软达成的搜索交易没有奏效。The Microsoft search deal was a non-event.

但首先尤斯顿项目必须奏效。But Project Euston will have to work first.

你们的努力和投入正在奏效。Your efforts and investment are paying off.

接受筒仓营销并不奏效。Accepting that silo marketing is ineffective.

但是,“责备”丝毫不会奏效。But the blame game never works! It alienates.

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你得等几分钟让可的松奏效。You need a few minutes for cortisone to take.

事实上,我们的比赛战术非常奏效。In fact, our whole game-plan worked very well.

尼克松的工资和价格监管方案未能奏效。Nixon’s wage-and-price control program failed.

切尔西会令其在英超中奏效吗Can Chelsea make it work in the Premier League?

Grabowsky认为,基于每个国家的方法难以奏效。A country-based approach will not work, he says.

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看来他的阿谀奉承这次不能奏效了。It seems that his flattery won’t work this time.

时尚产业之所以这么做是因为这招确实奏效。The fashion industry does this because it works.

至于结核病,控制努力正在奏效。For tuberculosis, control efforts are paying off.