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他们主要和B商行进行贸易。They mainly trade with B firms.

他上月创办一家新商行。He began a new business last month.

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这家外国商行没有多大资力。This foreign firm has little means.

本自己搞是拉各斯的一家保付商行。Mine is a confirming abode in Lagos.

他们主要和日本商行进行贸易。hey mainly trade with Japanese firms.

那家商行在哄抬货价。That firm was laying on higher prices.

他们主要和日本商行进行贸易。They mainly trade with Japanese firms.

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他们贪污挪用公款使商行破产了。Their embezzlement bankrupted the firm.

那家联合大企业分割了这个商行。The conglomerate dismembered the business.

该商行于八月份公布?峒普誓?。The firm publishes its accounts in August.

这家商行正逐渐走向破产吗?Is the business drifting towards bankruptcy?

他要求商行付还他的投资。He claimed back his investment from the firm.

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他们主要和日本商行进行贸易。Our company mainly trades in arts and crafts.

这家商行公布了八月份的账目。The company publishes its accounts in August.

把几家商行合并成一个公司。Several firms were united to form one company.

他们要筹设一家新的商行。They wanted to promote a new business company.

这家商行的主顾多得应接不暇。The firm has more clients than it can take care of.

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许多老字号商行都败给了大规模生产。Mass production has brought many old trades to an end.

奥莱夫打算申请到一家商行里工作。Olaf is going to put in for a job with a business firm.

我们可以把我们的两家小商店合并为一家大商行。We can merge our two small businesses into a larger one.