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胸无大志,事事称心。Little thing please little minds.

失败不为过错,胸无大志才是罪过。Not failure , but low aim , is crime.

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他的问题也许是在于胸无大志。Lack of ambition might be his problem.

你的问题在于你胸无大志。Your problem is that you have no ambition.

他本该做一个平平凡凡、胸无大志的人么?Should he have been a plain, unambitious man?

⊙、一个人如果胸无大志,即使再有壮丽的举动也称不上是伟人。If a person heart and even more magnificent move is not great.

在其他政治事务上,民主党倒是没有遭到太多胸无大志的指责。In other policy matters, the DPJ cannot be accused thinking small.

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吊儿郎当、言行粗鲁的辛万军,胸无大志,终日浑浑恶恶,流连酒吧。Rude words and deeds, aspirations, muddy day muddy evil evil, inside the bars.

戏中张学友饰演一名与世无争的电器店少东,性格心地善良但胸无大志。Drama Jacky Cheung plays a little aloof from the electrical shop east kind-hearted personality but ambitions.

而且,对于一个人来说,可怕的是胸无大志,又何必担心功不成名不就呢?。Besides, so far as a man is concerned, the fearful thing is to have no aspiration 9. Why worry that you will achieve neither merit nor fame?

人们都喜欢揶揄中产,中产的狭窄心胸,胸无大志,唯唯诺诺都是坐而论道的写手和小说家创作源泉。PEOPLE love to mock the middle class. Its narrow-mindedness, complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists.

现在才发现我其实胸无大志但我也曾有过梦想有我的信仰和愿望或是别的你们用来描述美妙人生的词汇。I check out and it's not like I had big dreams to begin with. But I had something once, something close to faith or hope or whatever word you want to use for how good life could be.

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我们需要摆脱胸无大志的状况,人们想要开好车、穿华服、住豪宅,却不愿为之付出艰苦努力。We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don't want to work hard to accomplish these things.