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他的独奏,以及协奏和室内乐演出,都展示了他的音乐才能和高超的演奏技巧。His recitals, as well as concerto and chamber performances, are imbued with musicianship and pianism of the highest order.

在变奏曲I,II专辑,马克西姆认为柴科夫斯基的“B小调钢琴协奏”是最难学的。In the Variations I&II album, Maksim said that the 'Piano Concerto in Bb Minor' by Tchaikovsky was the most difficult to learn.

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走出指挥家父亲拉图的光环,沙夏‧拉图26岁时,以新秀之姿与柏林爱乐协奏演出,从此打出自己的名号。The guest musician Sacha Rattle has established his reputation at the age of 26 by performing a concerto with Berlin Philharmonic.

首先通过与独奏、四手联弹、协奏等形式的比较,显现出双钢琴的本质与美感。Firstly, through comparing with the solo, four hands, bombs, concert and other forms, to reveal the essence and beauty of Two Pianos.

在乐团协奏部分,不但有庞大的编制、份量也相当吃重,因此这首乐曲在独奏与协奏上,均相当精采。The orchestra also plays an important role in this concerto, which makes the solo and the orchestral parts correspondently brilliant.

尼娜·科托娃所写的大提琴协奏曲已在旧金山首演,由她自己担任独奏,由女子爱乐乐团担任协奏,好评如潮。Nina Kotova's Cello Concerto was premiered in San Francisco with the Women's Philharmonic with Ms. Kotova as soloist in the 2000 to rave reviews.

由于大规模汉族移民的进入及汉文化的全方位输入,白族作为区域范围内主体民族的地位开始丧失,白族文化在当地的主导地位也被汉、白文化的交映和协奏所代替。With the settlement of a large number of Han emigrants and the introduction of powerful Han culture, the Bais and Bai culture began to lose their dominant position locally.

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雅致的富丽华多功能厅,婉转悠扬的钢琴小提琴协奏音乐,来自南澳省欢聚之地的威拿庄园晚宴,在大连这个浪漫之都一起迎接滨城的美酒美食爱好者们。Elegant multi-function hall, melodious piano and violin performance and pleasing Wirra Wirra dinner, together entertained the wine and food lovers in the romantic city Dalian.

音乐在三合院晕开,蝉唧鸟啭在山坡林间协奏,大冠鹫在夏日天空盘旋喧鸣。The music was created in the ambiance of a farm compound, harmonized with the cicada calls and birdsongs of the mountainside woods, under the cries of circling eagles in the summer sky.

贝多芬并没有继承莫扎特与海顿的风格,他的前两部作品首次公演时,在大提琴家皮埃尔·迪波尔的协奏下,衬托得钢琴部分更加精巧华丽。Beethoven, who had no precedents in the genre by Mozart or Haydn to emulate, performed the premieres of the two works, whose piano parts are more virtuosic, with the cellist Jean-Pierre Duport.