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那是你自己的事情That's your job.

这简直是不可理喻的事情。It is impossible.

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那是2001年的事情了。That was in 2001.

但事情却变得更糟。But it gets worse.

做好一件事情。Do one thing well.

只是一念之差的事情!Just an idea away!

那乡下人的事情?The redneck thing?

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但是,你还能做更多事情。But you can do more.

去做一些新的事情。Go do something new.

我知道你花了很多心血在这事情上。Tell him I'm not in.

让过去的事情过去吧。By gone sare bygones.

想想剪头发的事情。Think about haircuts.

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把一些事情都模块化了。We modularize things.

什么事情,乔什?What the event, Jash?

您还有别的事情吗?Is there anying else ?

这只是事情的自然发展而已。It developed that way.

来做一些有趣的事情。So, some jargon first.

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剩下的事情就全靠你了。The rest is up to you.

然后,事情变得麻烦起来。Then things get messy.

别做你痛恨的事情。Don't do what you hate.