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她是年轻的,开朗的,似乎性格的枝蔓没有被外界修饰过。She is young, cheerful, it seems that character has not been outside dendrite embellished.

如果这井口被枝蔓完全覆盖,你就再也不能回到你的时代了!If these branches completely cover the well you will never be able to go back to your time.

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本文结合负离子配位多面体理论探讨了枝蔓晶的形成机理。Furthermore, the growth mechanism has been explored using anion coordination polyhedron theory.

她可以看见她的目标,但玫瑰枝蔓把她的腿缠在椅子上,限制了她的行动。She can see her objectives, but the rose vines tie her leg to her chair, limiting her movement.

下部的枝蔓需要休掉以方便打理,有助于空气流通。Lower branches may need to be removed to allow for gardening activities or to improve air circulation.

本文对晶体的生长习性进行了研究,并初步讨论了挛晶界面处枝蔓生长的原因。The growth habits were studied and the cause of the dendritic growth on the twin interface were discussed.

香草枝蔓是宁静的,红色是热烈的,在这样一个精致的空间,享受不经意间的乐趣。Vanilla Dendrite is quiet, the red is warm, and in such an exquisite space to enjoy the fun of inadvertently.

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内敛含蓄的香草枝蔓却是那么的宁静精致,整个浴室极富温馨浪漫情调的。Introverted subtle vanilla Dendrite is so quiet refinement, the whole bathroom very warm and romantic ambience.

我们认为宇宙网络的枝蔓直接延伸到星系中间,上面布满了宇宙灰尘,而且就是由宇宙灰尘组成的。"We think cosmic web tendrils feed directly into galaxies, dump matter onto them and build them up," Ibata said.

我们站在通往阳台的玻璃滑门旁边,阳台旁一棵巨大的凤凰树伸展着它的枝蔓。We were standing by sliding glass doors that led to a veranda, over which a large flame tree spread its branches.

我们认为宇宙网络的枝蔓直接延伸到星系中间,上面布满了宇宙灰尘,而且就是由宇宙灰尘组成的。"We think cosmic web tendrils feed directly into galaxies, dump matter onto them and build them up, " Ibata said.

GAIA将会精确测量十亿多个恒星的距离和运动,这些数据将解释宇宙网络的枝蔓将会在“天体森林”里如何伸展。Such data could reveal where —and what —cosmic web tendrils might be spilling into our neck of the celestial woods.

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荒草便繁衍出来,枝蔓上下,慢慢地,竟锈上了绿苔、黑斑。Some weeds multiplied and stretched around it, and their stems and tendrils gradually covered dark green spots of moss.

茅屋上爬满了长春藤,屋顶上的烟囱也布满了这种寄生植物的枝蔓,因此变得粗大了,它的外形看上去就好像是一个废弃了的塔楼。The house was overrun with ivy, its chimney being enlarged by the boughs of the parasite to the aspect of a ruined tower.

利用实时观察方法对锗酸铅晶体生长枝蔓晶的生长过程进行了描述和分析。In this review, the development of real-time observation method to study the process of metal solidification is introduced.

叙事特色表现为骨干多,枝蔓少,故事情节快节奏向前推进。His narration is marked by a single_direction development with few branchings, so the plot is pushed forward at a rapid pace.

折一枝蔓的芬芳,小心翼翼,捧在手心,生怕亵渎了,这秋季,唯一一场,绚丽的绽放。A forth fragrance, with great care, in the palm of your hand, for fear that violated, this fall, the only game, gorgeous blooming.

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但它原是种植在多水的肥田中,为生长枝蔓,结出果实,成为一棵茂盛的葡萄树。It was planted in a good ground upon many waters, that it might bring forth branches, and bear fruit, that it might become a large vine.

瑞兽葡萄镜是唐代最典型的铜镜品种,以瑞兽和葡萄枝蔓组合为纹饰主题,体现了唐代艺术文化的繁荣昌盛和兼收并蓄。With its theme decoration of auspicious animals and grapes, this kind of mirror reflects characters of Tang's Art, which are prosperous and mixed.

圆形,圆钮,钮周围铸有六只瑞兽奔驰于枝蔓间,枝蔓茂密,瑞兽丰腴柔健,两两相对,嬉戏、亲昵,双线高圈外飞禽走兽环绕于葡萄枝蔓之中。Circular, with six beasts to gallop in the branches and tendrils dense, the beast is rich soft in strengthening. They are having fun relatively, very intimate.