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祝在新的一年里福星高照。Good luck in the year ahead.

我父亲一生福星高照。My father was born under a lucky star.

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祝大家兔年快乐,福星高照。恭喜恭喜!Wish you all A Fantastic Happy Rabbit Year 2011.

今天能跟你谈话真是我福星高照。I am very proud to be discussing you this evening.

翌日腹大便便的春花回到福星高照,一脸倦容。The next big belly of spring back luck, a face of tired.

等你从门里走出来的时候,我只能相信我是福星高照。I'll only believe my good luck when you come out through those doors.

忽然,都敏俊闯进来,大嚷要跟福星高照终止合作。Suddenly, min jung came into, yelling cooperation should be terminated with luck.

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“今年他福星高照,他也很好的抓住了运气,”伦德尔说。The stars aligned for him pretty good this year, and he took advantage of it, " Lendl said."

虽然他们经常是福星高照,但在关键时刻要依靠的还是个体意志力上成功。They were often showered by good fortune, but relied at crucial moments upon achievements of individual will.

就是这位赫索格,这位福星高照的人.由于某种原因,居然容忍一个冷酷的,教养不高的,使男人丧失元气的女人做他的妻子。This Herzog, this man of many blessings, for some reason had endured a frigid, middle brow, castrating female in his bed.

新郎进门时,灯火要在他头上挥动闪烁,粒粒大米要撒在他的身上,这种婚礼仪式象征新人福星高照,多子多孙。As he enters, lights are waved over his head and grains of rice are thrown, a ceremonial act symbolizing riches and fertility.

我们拥有一流的锋线球员,他们一直表现良好,今后也会继续出色的表现,我们希望他们在决赛上福星高照。We have really valuable strikers that can continue do well in the future too, and we wish them all the best of luck in the immediate future.