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到了颓圮的篱墙。To the crumbling wall.

在埃克斯穆尔高地,远处山坡上隐约可见长长的篱墙。On Exmoor, hedge banks faintly trace the far hill.

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夜间摄像头能在漆黑的乡村小道上辨认出一头在灌木篱墙里的鹿。And the night-vision camera could spot a deer in the hedgerow down a dark country lane.

最后,裤子破了,马克跌落在篱墙这边,伙伴们的身上。Finally, the pants rip and Mark tumbles to the other side of the fence on top of his friends.

短毛狗看起来很失望。就在这时,那两个小阿飞一路追赶着来到了篱墙那边。The Doberman looks disappointed. Just then the two Punks make their way over the other fence.

工作室的中间部分是一面大型滑动门,对毗邻篱墙的院子敞开。The middle section has wide sliding doors that open onto a narrow patio facing the boundary fence.

努力保存对灌木篱墙的规章那就是保护已经确定的制度来保护他们的未来。Conservation efforts such as the hedgerow regulations have been established to preserve their future.

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这样大约过了一星期,丑女孩在篱墙内摘莓果,裁缝的妻子悄悄地走了过来。About a week later, the ugly girl was picking berries in the hedgerow, when the tailor's wife sidled up.

在树篱墙后每个角落,挖掘步枪掩体、开挖机枪阵地用壕沟。Behind the hedgerows, they dug rifle pits and tunneled openings for machinegun positions in each corner.

上九天揽月,下大海捉鳖的气概也陡然翻出心灵的篱墙。Embrace the nine months, under the sea turtle to catch the spirit also saw video of the soul suddenly LeiWall.

之前围在草坪外的一圈木桩篱墙也早没了,所以如果开车来的话,人们都直接把车开到门廊前才停。The picket fence that once enclosed the lawn was gone, too, and people just drove their cars right up to the porch.

“灌木篱墙战斗”使得美军伤亡数万人,但是进展甚微。The so-called "Battle of the Hedgerows " would cost the Americans tens of thousands of casualties for little ground gained.

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在这个远离英国乡村的灌木篱墙和林立的教堂尖顶的地方,他们喜庆的筵席仍然保留着那永远的英格兰风味。A world away from the hedgerows and steeples of the English countryside, they laid a celebratory table that is forever England.

选自“灌木篱墙”,国家地理杂志1993年9月号,文字与图片同为该文而作,未随文刊发。Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, " Hedgerows , " September 1993, National Geographic magazine.

小拉尔夫和朋友们从篱墙边跑开。远处,一个小阿飞爆发出极高音调的尖叫,就像吓坏了的小女孩。Ralph, Jr. and his friends run away from the fence. In the distance, one of the Punks lets out the high pitched SCREAM of a panicked teenage girl.

媒体报道说,山西两个村庄的居民周一游行到该熔炼厂,拆毁篱墙,袭击卡车,发泄对矿场蓄积已久的怨愤。后来,警察才恢复了秩序。Angry residents of two Shaanxi villages were reported on Monday to have marched to the smelter, tearing down fences and attacking trucks before police officers restored order.

这样每当她花许多时间隔着篱墙引颈而望、窥探左邻右舍时,她的长脖子可就派上了大用场。Dursley was thin and blonde and nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbors.

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这样每当他花许多时间隔着篱墙引颈而望、窥探左邻右舍时,她的长脖子可就派上了大用场。Dursley was thin and bionde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbors.

如果你很幸运有一个花园或者一小块地,篱墙里将爬满覆盆子和黑莓,很快你就会为如何处置这么多新鲜的果蔬而头疼。The hedgerows are filling with raspberries and blackberries, and if you're lucky enough to have a garden or an allotment, you'll soon have more fresh produce than you know what to do with.

德思礼太太是一个瘦削的金发女人。她的脖子几乎比正常人长一倍。这样每当她花许多时间隔着篱墙引颈而望、窥探左邻右舍时,她的长脖子可就派上了大用场。Mrs Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbours.