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我无法让你改变心意了?I can't change your mind?

这想法很投合他的心意。The idea appealed to him.

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相问君心意,结伴归家乡。Do you mind to phase, go home.

设计颇费心意,花样繁复,还以金粉相饰。It's designed, embossed, gilt.

他是一个合我心意的人。He is a man after my own heart.

是要看他的心意的,好不好?Is not bcos of easy to cook la ok?

如果它变了,我也会改变心意。If this changes, I’ll change my mind.

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这是我的一点小意思。聊表心意。Here's a little token of my affection.

改变他们的心意是不可能的。It is impossible to change their minds.

总之一句话,这些都是我对恺威的一点小小的心意和祝福。In a word, it's all my regard to Hawick.

丽莎心意已决,米婶也只能同意。Lisa wishes that m aunts also can agree.

这点礼物是我们大家的一点心意。This little gift is a token of our regard.

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他带给她一束花,以表示友善与和解的心意。He brought her flowers as a peace offering.

宝贝,别怀疑,我知道你心意。Baby-no doubt-gotta show me what it's about.

这样的心意怎么能思维实相或上帝?How can such a mind think of reality or God?

她试图探查我的心意,想知道我在想什么。She want to prob my hurt, want to know I think.

特殊约艾莲娜出来阐明了本人的心意。Special about Elena out of my mind illustrates.

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投合大众心意的东西就是好的。What catches the fancy of the multitude is good.

心意太极拳对养生和防病治病有很好的功效。It has a good effect on life preservation and cure.

很明显,我的计划投合了他的心意。It was clear my plan had taken hold upon his fancy.