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在那青色的柳园里。Down by the Salley Gardens.

木—→主东方,春天,青色、绿色。Wood-For east, spring, cyan and green.

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裤子是茶青色的。His trousers are yellowish- bottle green.

用老磨房的木板和海青色的条石。With old mill boards and sea-green slates.

就在两鬓太阳穴上面显露著青色的细小静脉。Just over each temple there were little blue veins.

该色度计读数针对颜色为青色的一片。This colorimeter reading is for a patch called cyan.

青色的玉杯,以及枝上的喜鹊,也必不可少。Green Jade Cup and Magpie on a Branch should go next.

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假山用的趸千层石,要求颜色为土黄,青色居多。Qianceng stone rockery, request color is yellow, blue.

黄昏中散发着银蓝光辉的轩辕十四略呈雪青色。Silvery-blue Regulus may look pinkish in the twilight.

这些青色的硬硬的香蕉还太生了,不能吃。These green and hard bananas aren't ripe enough to eat.

和田玉有白色、碧绿色、青色、黄色、糖色、黑色。Have white, verdant, teal, yellow, sugar color and black.

小草的颜色很多,有青色的、绿色的、翠色的,多极了。Grass color many, have blue, green, green color, multipolar.

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午风阵阵,透过碧青色的纱帐,竹席生凉。The wind of noon flew through blue veil, bamboo mat went cool.

之后再进行橙色、黄色、绿色、青色、蓝色,最后是紫色。Then move to orange, then yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

青色,主要是用从蓝草中提取靛蓝染成的。Blue , is mainly used to extract from the blue grass of indigo dye.

旁边照。注意青色窗。也是旧手艺品。Side view. Notice the green type windows. That's also old handiwork.

一般的王府和官员就采用红色、青色还有蓝色。For residences of princes and court officials, red or blue were used.

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窗外是青色的天空内耀着几点寒星。Outside the window, a few cold stars shimmered in the blue-black sky.

我们不能等果子成熟,只管吧青色的果子采下来。We can not wait for the fruit mature green fruit simply taken it down.

除了它是明亮的青色,看起来是由水或者一种奇怪的材料填充满的。Except it's bright cyan. Seems full of water or made of a weird material.