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那么这就是左面部分。So, that's the left hand side.

在他左面是药师佛。On his left is the Buddha of Medicine.

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她的左面有一个钢筋水泥的碉堡。To her left was a concrete blockhouse.

左面,距离27海哩,敌机高度7000尺。Port, 27 miles, bogey 's at7, 000 feet.

在王座的左面,靠近窗户。To the left of the thrones, near the window.

左面在电脑前坐太久,精力在消耗。We sit for too long at the computer, sapping energy.

在洞口的左面,有一个又黑又深的角落。At the left of the opening was a dark and deep angle.

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不能指望它盯着左面或着右面,还能往前走。It must not look to the left or right but go forward.

不,领汇款单的地方在左面,沿大厅过去三个窗口。No , that ' s to the left , three windows down the hall.

他把球击向守场员的左面,然后便快跑。He played the ball to the fielder's left,and took a guick run.

门绞链在左面,单手操作,有门锁。Door hinged on the left hand side, one-hand operation, lockable.

岩浆往右面和左面喷洒,毁灭了森林和都会。Lava is spilled to right and left, destroying forests and cities.

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四杆洞,开波落点左有个加加大码沙池,果岭左面有水。Hazards mainly on the left. Starting with a huge bunker then water.

说著,又将老君像搬到佛像左面去。Saying, resemble old gentleman moving left of figure of Buddha again.

左面是厨房,客厅后面是三个卧室,最大的是主卧。On the left is the kitchen. At the back of the living room are three bedrooms.

我们的左面是店窗明亮的铺子和商业街廊的入口。On our left were the shops, their windows lighted, and the entrance to the galleria.

在左面一栏,列出五项你喜欢并且玩得高兴的、经常做的活动。In the left column, list five activities that you enjoy and have fun with, and do most frequently.

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一个修长的石路,右面尽是田亩,左面是一条清澈的小河。It is a long and slender stone path, with the farm land on the right and a clear river on the left.

鼠标控制三个按钮,左面的方向键控制按钮里的内容。The mouse controls three buttons, the direction key control of the left side press button in of contents.

那么,如果你仔细想,会有一种很奇特的结论,因为,左面的是一个线积分。So, that's a really strange statement if you think about it because the left-hand side is a line integral.