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这是清馨的家吗?Is this Qingxin's residence?

五月的花朵艳丽清馨。Follow with May's fairest flowers.

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空气弥漫了薰衣草的清馨。The fragrance of lavenders spreads in the air.

茶香凝聚于枕周尺余,清馨醇和,久而不散。Will the pillow week, feet long and travel. like,.

国际领先---清馨负离子双芯技术,双效抑菌、双重护理。International leading technology---FRESH NEGATIVE ION double-chip, double health.

茶香凝聚于枕周尺余,清馨醇和,久而不散,枕眠其上,茶与中药相得益彰。Will the pillow week, feet long and travel. like, and sleep on the pillow, tea and medicine.

同时还借鉴了日本寿司的做法精华,清馨不腻口,好吃阿。Also draws on the essence of the practice of Japanese sushi, Qingxin not greasy, delicious Ah.

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茶香清馨醇和,让孩子在自然条件下保持充分的睡眠质量。Elegant and beautiful, lets the child will keep sufficient conditions on the quality of sleep.

该酒香草清馨,酸度适中,单宁丰富,甘美醇香,回味柔和而持久。A lingering taste with memories of vanilla and a balanced acidity continues on to its rich and full palate.

碧草葳蕤,野芳清馨,不说去哪里,唯是静静地享受此刻时光。The green jade grass Wei Rui, savage Fang pure Xin, don't say where, only is noiselessly enjoy time at the moment.

再不然,她没有花的芬芳与娇艳,而是我摆在一旁的驱蚊草,有着清馨的香气?Or else, she did not flower fragrance with the delicate and charming, but I put to one side of the Mozzie buster , has the aroma of Qingxin?

房屋设计大方得体,户型南北通透,采光非常合理,空气自然清馨。See qianjiang beauty reward. 3. Housing design easy and decent, family north-south all-transparent, daylighting is very reasonable, beautiful air nature.

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兰花,叶形飘逸,花姿秀丽,花色淡雅,香味清馨,久闻能助人爽神清志,其品德誉之为兰中君子。Orchid, shape elegant, beautiful appearance is beautiful, elegant color, aroma fragrance, it can help cool God Kiyoshi, the character known as blue in the gentleman.

茶香还能渗透整个驾乘空间,便车内空气清馨淡雅,彰显个人品味与时尚,充分体会如沐茶园的安全驾感受。Will also can penetrate the rides space, ride in the air, personal taste travel. like quietly elegant and fashionable, fully realize the garden like mu safe driving experience.