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彼得曾在意大利小住过。Peter lived in Italy for a time.

他应该在乡村小住数日。He must sojourn in villages and hamlets.

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我不反对他来小住。Ihave no objection to him coming to stay.

我在伦敦小住期间认识了他。During my visit to London, I got to know him.

我们只在奥芝的途中小住了两晚。We only stayed two nights as a stopover on our way to Oz.

二月妈妈都会到姐姐家去小住几日。Mother stays at my sister's for a few days every February.

如尚未决定,则拟请来我家小住数日。If not, I want you to come and stay with me for a few days.

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他在伦敦小住期间遇见了他大学同学。He met his university classmates during his visit to London.

如果记吕克来小住的话,我得重温一下我的法语。I'll have to brush up on my French if Jean-Luc is coming to stay.

她在这里小住了几日,参加了那天的晚会。Ariadne Oliver, who was staying down here and was present at the party.

在斯德哥尔摩小住几日后,一天晚上,我搭乘夜班渡轮前往赫尔辛基。After a couple of days in Stockholm, I took an overnight ferry to Helsinki.

1930年的秋天,爱德华去他的朋友弗内斯勋爵夫妇那里小住。In the autumn of 1930 Edward went to stay with his friends Lord and Lady Furness.

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他在夏威夷为我们买了最漂亮的一座宅子,我们有机会就会常去小住。He bought us the most beautiful house in Hawaii and we visit it as often as possible.

这几年寒暑假,我去金城兰州培训、瞧病,小住过几日。A few years this summer, I went to the doctor, Jincheng Lanzhou training, for a few days.

在肯特郡小住时,伊丽莎白再次与正在探望其姨母凯瑟琳·德·包尔夫人的达西相逢。While in Kent, Elizabeth again meets Darcy who is visiting his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh.

现在,我希望回到那小住一段时间,以发现更多上次简短旅行带来的惊奇。Now, I want to go back to hang out and discover the promise it revealed on an abbreviated trip.

如今人们要是想在哪个地方小住一下时,很少有人愿意考虑买房的事情。Now when somebody intends to stay someplace for a short time, they're reluctant to consider a home purchase.

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孙子孙女或者亲友的孩子答应来访小住,但多久来一次是有限制的。Grandchildren and the children of friends can visit and stay, but there are even limits on how often this happens.

因工作地点变动需要搬迁,需要住小一点房子,需要邀请别人来我家小住,这些我都可以很容易地办到。If I need to move for a job, downsize my house, or invite others into my home for a stay, I can do so fairly easily.

人人无意间来到世上小住一段日子,却又像不速之客,理由何在,却无所知。Every one of us appears here, involuntarily and uninvited, for a short stay, without knowing the whys and the wherefores.