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这个故事的寓意?Moral of the story?

我在想我的梦有什么寓意。I wonder what my dream means.

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这个故事有什么寓意?So, what's the moral of the story?

这是一出寓意深刻的戏。This is a play that packs message.

为了点出一个寓意,或者点缀一则故事。To point a moral, or adorn a tale.

黄玫瑰寓意着“嫉妒”。Yellow roses can signify “jealousy.”

你应该赋予这则故事以寓意。You should tag a moral to the story.

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传达的寓意也南辕北辙。It's providing a very different message.

而这就是童话的寓意。And that is what fairytales are meant to do.

我不知道这个故事在这里的寓意是什么。I don’t know what the moral of the story is here.

这故事的寓意是“三思而后行”。The moral of the story is “Look before you leap.”

顾拜旦认为五环旗寓意深远。Coubertin thought the rings had deep significance.

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是的,凡事有寓意,只要你肯去找!Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it.

这个新剧幽默不足,但寓意深长。The new play is short on humor and long on message.

春节期间吃甜食,寓意新年甜甜蜜蜜。Serving desserts brings a sweet life in the new year.

但是这篇文章的寓意确实深深的影响了我。But what’s behind the message really sunk into my head.

中国文字是形象文字,其特点是寓意于形、意在形中。China's characters with images put meanings in figures.

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“人”形的造型,寓意水路两栖,神通广大。"Human"-shaped form, symbolizes amphibious, resourceful.

哪一首关于寻找真爱的歌有很好的寓意呢?What song about finding love could have a better message?

葫芦本为藤本植物,藤蔓绵延则寓意万代绵长。Hoist the plant, for long stretches the vines generations.