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先是涓涓细流,接下来是滔滔洪水。First a trickle, then a flood.

细流汇成江河。Small stream make great river.

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但是从前稳定的人才流入如今变为了涓涓细流。But a once-steady flow is now a trickle.

直到千万道细流汇聚成一片海洋。And thousands upon thousands made an ocean.

这条小河变成细流了。The stream has thinned down to a mere trickle.

大众的需要取代了网站,而细流则代之以波涛汹涌的激流。Feeds replaced websites, and torrents replaced streams.

纵使细流常逶迤,也会平安归海洋。That even the weariest river Winds somewhere safe to sea.

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瀑布和细流是摄影中微妙的元素。Waterfalls and streams are tricky elements to photograph.

如今,曾经的涓涓细流已经会流成惊天巨浪。What began as a trickle now has turned into a tidal wave.

真理的细流沿着谬误的沟渠川流而过。The stream of truth flows though its channels of mistakes.

在天边淌出一股金色细流的霎那间,黎明破晓,森林苏醒。In a slick of molten gold, dawn breaks and the trees awaken.

更多的雨降下,涓涓细流,使裂缝变大。More rain falls and trickles down, making the cracks bigger.

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涓涓细流一旦停止了喧哗,浩浩大海也就终止了呼吸。The trickle once stopped roaring, the vast sea stopped breathing.

马云要将涓涓细流汇成大海。Ma Yun wants brooklet of Jiang trickling sluggishly to collect the sea.

泉眼无声惜细流,树阴照水爱晴柔。Silent spring cherish trickle, according to love clear water shade supple.

到今天为止,这涓涓细流提供了与滚滚洪流一样的财务营养。To date the trickle has provided as much financial nourishment as the flow.

对你的想念,宛如涓涓细流,在我心中升起爱的涟漪。Think of you, rise loving ripple in my heart just like the trickle small stream.

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我们不拿它来冒险,而是让它像涓涓细流慢慢地流淌,仿若地下资源。Not risking a thing yet staying alive as a sweet trickle, an underground resource.

但是,涓涓细流与滚滚洪流相比,有更大的可能完全枯竭。However, a trickle has considerably more chance of drying up completely than a flow.

你是浅滩,一次爱情只是一条细流,许多次爱情也只是许多泡沫。You are a shoal, love just a small stream once, many times love too just many foams.