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没有烧木柴的炉子?No wood-burning stove?

奥斯维辛的炉子。The ovens of Auschwitz.

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我炉子里正烤着蛋糕。I have a cake in the oven.

你把水壶放在炉子上了吗?Have you put the kettle on?

我已让人把炉子生好。I've had the stove lighted.

给炉子劈点木柴来。Chop some wood for the fire.

炉子不通风。The stove doesn't draw well.

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我们在炉子上面煮着晚餐。Dinner simmered on the stove.

这是电冰箱还是炉子?Cold is defensed by the stove.

炉子在拍卖中按成本费出售。Stoves sold at cost in a sale.

汤在炉子上煨。The soup simmered on the stove.

在家的时候,她在炉子上做饭。At home, she cooks over a stove.

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从炉子上取下平底锅。Take the saucepan off the stove.

炉子上总是摆着一只油腻的锅。A big greasy wok sat on the stove.

煤在炉子里被烧成灰烬。The coals were ashed in a furnace.

电炉子是什么颜色的?。What colour is the electric cooker?

他在火炉子发出来的亮光里坐着等候。He waited in the light of the stove.

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热量来自砖砌的柴火炉子。The heat comes from brick wood stove.

炉子里生着小小的煤火。A small coal fire burned in the grate.

炉子里添了煤,炉火又重新燃烧起来。She warmed a pan of soup on the stove.