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后村是南宋后期词坛一大家。Houcun was a famous poet of Ci in the late South Song.

辛弃疾,人称词中之龙,是两宋词坛的重要作家。As an important writer, Xinqiji was called the Dragon of Poet in Song Dynasty.

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晏殊词在北宋初期词坛上有其独特的贡献。Yan Shu had a distinctive contribution of Ci in the early Northern Song Dynasty.

蒋景祁是清初词坛贡献甚大的词家。Jiang, Jing-Qi had great contribution to the field of lyric in early Qing Dyansty.

作为整个宋词词坛的组成部分,宗室词有其自身的价值和意义。As part of the Song Ci as a whole, imperial clan Ci has its own value and significance.

作为一个在词坛存在很长时间的流派,一定有其合理性,这是“常”、“浙”两派共存与交融的基础。There was a period when both schools coexisted. However, Zhexi school was in the decline.

韩元吉和韩淲是南宋词坛的一对父子作家。The Ci poem writer Han Yuanji and his son Han Biao were effective litterateurs at Song dynasty.

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魏玩与朱淑真,是北宋词坛上的两束奇葩。Wei Wan and Zhu Shuzhen are two rare and precious flowers in Ci poem filed of North Song Dynasty.

曹尔堪是清初一位重要词人,其词作风格在清初词坛独树一帜。Cao Erkan is an important poet in early Qing dynasty, who developed a school of his own in poetry style.

将此二者结合起来,更清晰地展现了张炎对清代词坛的整体影响。Through combined them, it gives a clear demonstration of Zhangyan's influence on Ci of the Qing Dynasty.

清词是继宋词之后的又一个发展高峰,清初词坛的繁荣又是促成清词中兴的一个关键。The development of poetry in the Qing Dynasty reached another peak since its prosperity in the Song Dynasty.

方岳是南宋徽州词坛中词学成就最高的词人。Fang Yue was the greatest with the highest achievements in Huizhou poetic altar of the Southern Song Dynasty.

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于北宋末期登上词坛的杰出的女词人李清照与其他男性词人相比是别树一帜。Compared with the other poets. The poetess Li Qingzhao was the most outstanding at the end of the Bei Song Dynasty.

通过对两部词选的量化分析,我们可以了解到南宋词坛的主要动态。Through the quantitive analysis, we can learn the general information about poetic forum of the Later Song Dynasty.

况周颐的“真”字词学思想在清代词坛具有重要的理论意义和实际意义。Kuang Zhouyi's thinking of ci on "truth"has not only theoretical meanings but also practical meanings in Qing Dynasty.

山谷雅词无论是题材、内容还是表现方法,都在传统词作中蕴涵了新变的因素,对后世词坛影响深远。It influenced the later dale diction greatly by its subject matter, content and techniques which were added into new elements.

纳兰性德是清初著名的满族词人,在中国词坛上有着很高的地位。NaLan-XingDe was a Well-known Poet of Manchu in the early Qing dynasty. He had a very high position in the poesy altar of China.

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浙西词派是清代词坛绵延时间最长,影响最大的一个词派。The Ci school of western Zhe Province lasted in the poetry world of Qing Dynasty for the longest time and had the greatest effect.

他们从词作的数量与质量上都堪称元代词坛上独一无二的父子词人。They may fairly be called the unique "father-son" writers in Yuan dynasty according to the quantity and quality of their Ci poems.

纳兰词以风格凄婉,感伤而名昭后世,在当时词坛上别具一格。The Nalan poesy, known to the aftertime as the style of disquiet and sentiment, had a unique style at the time on the Poesy Circle.