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8个比免费更好的生财要素Eight Generatives Better Than Free

偶然生财的一个bug。A bug thataccidentally generates money.

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和气生财。我们可以商量。Then I'm afraid we can't work together.

和气生财,诚信服务,是我们的宗旨。And gas riches, honest service is our aim.

俗语说,和气生财嘛。As the saying puts, harmony brings wealth.

我的网络生财之道就仅仅是销售信息Making money online for me is to simply sell information.

牛市生财,熊市生财,只有猪被宰杀。Bulls make money . Bears make money. pigs get slaughtered.

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然而,要将这个地方变为生财福地却被证明是相当艰难的。But turning the place into a source of income has proved hard.

这是一个很深入的生财因素,因为它是循环往复的,还很花时间。It is deeply generative because it is iterative and time consuming.

奶牛对这些赤贫的村庄来说可是生财之道It's a big change in some of these very poor villages to get a cow.

这最终也会带来很多其它生财项目。This, in turn, can also give birth to many other wealth-generating projects.

牧场主人晓得这项突变具有生财的潜力,于是马上就把这只公羊做为种羊。Sensing a moneymaking mutation, the rancher promptly put the ram out for stud.

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小铁匠的生财设备是锻炉、铁砧、铁锤等等。The young blacksmith's stock in trade consisted of a forge, anvil, hammers, etc.

他说许多黑客赚了大钱,他似乎也在谋划自己的生财之路。Many hackers make a lot of money, hesays, and he seems to be plotting his own path.

8个比免费更好的生财要素In a real sense, these are eight things that are better than free. Eight uncopyable values.

可是,这些有助于生财的决定是拿我们以及我们的孩子健康作为代价的啊!But those financial decisions come at the expense of our health and of our children's health.

生财要素不能被拷贝、克隆、伪造、复制、仿冒或再造。A generative thing can not be copied, cloned, faked, replicated, counterfeited, or reproduced.

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通过课堂改善他们的教学或提高测试成绩,也是他们的生财之道。They also can earn more by taking classes to improve their teaching, or by raising test scores.

生财要素就是一种需要被产生、成长、培养与呵护的特质或属性。A generative value is a quality or attribute that must be generated, grown, cultivated, nurtured.

这次起义和对起义的残酷镇压给宪兵们开辟了新的生财之道。The rebellion and its brutal suppression provided gendarmes with a new method of enriching themselves.