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但是天然气供过于求怎么办?But what of our natural gas glut?

天然气是一种清洁燃料。Natural gas is a clean-burning fuel.

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我们还有个大型的天然气?We also have a while? mass gas caton?

我国天然气汽车的需求。Mi coche necesita gas. My car needs gas.

说到天然气,那又是另一番景象。For natural gas, the picture is different.

中国石油集团已与伊朗天然气田达成协议。CNPC clinches deal to develop Iranian gas field.

俄罗斯每年输出1,500亿立方米天然气至欧洲.Russia exports 150 bcm of gas to Europe annually.

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除此以外,粗制的管道线路还可以用来供应柴油和天然气。Diesel and gas flow through jerry-rigged pipelines.

我和麦德一组,我们选了天然气做研究课题。I picked Matt and we together we chose natural gas.

将该技术应用于天然气热水锅炉是研究新型燃气炉的一种尝试。It is a new way to use HTAC in natural gas furnace.

他们已把固体燃料转变成天然气。They have converted from solid fuel to natural gas.

天然气的严重缺乏使许多家工厂都停工了。A severe natural gas shortage shut down many plants.

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人们害怕过煤炭,他们害怕过天然气能源。People feared coal, they feared gas-powered engines.

同时关闭天然气工厂等等,and getting rid of natural gas plants, for instance,

天然气数据为剩余技术可采储量。Data of natural gas are surplus recoverable reserves.

天然气的二氧化碳排放量只有煤的一半。Gas power emits just half the carbon-dioxide of coal.

提出了利用焦炉煤气生产天然气的必要性和紧迫性。It is necessary for coke oven gas making natural gas.

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然而,在欧洲使用天然气燃料的汽车少的可笑。Yet in Europe use of natural-gas vehicles is derisory.

已知的天然气储备量仍然在保持增长。Known reserves of natural gas just keep getting larger.

清管作业在天然气管道中应用的越来越广泛。Pigging operation is used extensively in gas pipelines.