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心胸开朗,使人寿长。A light heart lives long.

中国人寿是什么样的公司?What about the China Life?

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他给自己保了人寿险。He was insured against death.

他们是否购买人寿或医疗保险?Do they buy life or health insurance?

他向那家保险公司投入了人寿险。He assured his life with that company.

父亲向这家保险公司保了人寿险。Father assured his life with this insurance company.

客户包括摩托罗拉,纽约人寿,以及柯尼卡美能达。Clients include Motorola, New York Life and Konica Minolta.

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张先生泰康人寿的办公室接待了威廉先生。Mr. Zhang met Mr. William in the office of the TAIKANGLIFE.

中国市场表现受权重股如“中国移动”和“中国人寿”带动。The Chinese market was led down by China Mobile and China Life.

今年中国公司投资的地产还包括中国人寿一宗高调的交易。One high-profile transaction included China Life Insurance Group Co.

在中国瑞泰人寿同样推行独特的销售模式。We have a very special distribution model in the market of China as well.

为了替妻子儿女着想,每个做父亲的都应该给自己投保人寿险。Every father should insure his life for the sake of his wife and children.

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中国人寿是中国最大的国有商业保险集团。China Life is China's largest state-owned commercial insurance conglomerate.

请注意产,股票,债券,养老基金,人寿·险或类似的储蓄户都不被。Note that property, shares, bonds, pension funds, life insurance or similar.

这就使得纽约人寿,必然的,成为您长期规划的一个伙伴。This makes New York Life, essentially, a partner in your long-term planning.

稳健型投资组合以台湾人寿最佳,国泰人寿次之。The best performance of Moderate portfolio is Taiwanlife, next is Cathaylife.

再三考虑辞职的事,警惕美国大都人寿成熟市场研究所。Think twice about leaving your job, cautions the MetLife Mature Market Institute.

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中石油排名仅次于埃克森,而中国人寿则位居行业之首。PetroChina is second only to Exxon, while life assurer China Life is second to none.

对我们来说,与瑞泰人寿合作的经代机构的成功就是我们的成功。In short, our success will always be closely tied to the success of brokers and agencies.

三星人寿是另一家韩国业界大腕,也希望在五月份上市。Samsung Life, another South Korean in dustry heavyweight, hopes to come to market in May.