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有些人贤明,有些人则不然。Some are wise, some are otherwise.

贤明的统治者在胜利时能宽宏大量。A wise ruler is generous in victory.

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这位国王贤明地统治着他的臣民。The King ruled his people well and wisely.

她是出色的飞行员和贤明的领导者。She is a capable pilot, and a shrewd leader.

若一个人能朝朝反省自我,从他的行为上,就能贤明有智慧。Daily self-reflection makes one wise and able in conduct.

一个贤明的人曾经说过愚人是留不住财富的。A wise man once said that a fool and his money are soon parted.

让我们来感谢我们的保佑者,贤明而仁慈的雅典娜神。Let us offer thanks to our protector, the wise and kind Athene.

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皇上也是贤明君主了,惜才,爱才。The emperor was also a wise monarch, cherish just and loved just.

你就要冒失去这最后的痕迹,这一贤明保留地的风险。You're at risk of losing this last trace, this philosophical reserve.

贤明的父亲鼓励儿女自作抉择。A judicious parent encourages his children to make their own decisions.

也许他很贤明的,但他的一生注定被锁在自己的甲壳里。He may be wise but he has to be locked up in his carapace until he dies.

年复一年地保持贤明,犹如身处永久的葬礼,是低级趣味。It's bad taste to be wise all the time, like being at a perpetual funeral.

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燧人、伏羲、神农是中国历史上的三个贤明的帝王。Chinese history remembers Suiren, Fuxi and Shennong as the Three Sage Kings.

正直的国王伽摩尼把他那位贤明的老师接到宫殿里住。King Gamani the Righteous invited his wise old teacher to live in the palace.

置信本人的朝上进步、贡献和才识会证实您贤明的选择。Believed I am enterprising, the offer and the talent can prove your wise choice.

贤明的人在自己民族中,享有光荣和信任,他的声誉千古流芳。A wise man shall inherit honour among his people, and his name shall live for ever.

3500多年前,有一位仁厚而又贤明的国王,名叫成唐。More than 3,500 years ago, there was a very kind and wise emperor called Cheng Tang.

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3500多年前,中国有一位仁厚而贤明的皇帝,名叫成汤。More than 3, 500 years ago, there was a very kind and wise emperor called Cheng Tang.

穆腾古是位好心人,也是位贤明的部落首领,对自己的小侄女自然疼爱有加。Mutengu was a good man, and a wise chieftain, and he treated his little niece kindly.

由于缺乏绝地委员会贤明的领导,新绝地武士们缺乏凝聚力。Without the sage governance of a Jedi Council, the new Jedi Knights lacked unity and focus.