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这是右位主动脉弓征象。This is a sign of a right-sided aortic arch.

这也是右位主动脉弓的一个征象。This too is a sign of a right-sided aortic arch.

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现在这些征象就有了方向和数量。Now the sign has been given direction and quantity.

许多儿童具有神经损害的征象。Many children are showing evidence of neurological damage.

患者的临床征象为发热和黄疸。She presented with a clinical picture of fever and jaundice.

通过螺旋CT征象可大致区分浆膜类型。Different serosal types could be differentiated by CT features.

同时可发现颈淋巴结肿大征象。Indirect sign including carotid lymphnode enlargement was found.

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目的研究脑面血管瘤病的CT征象。Objective To study CT manifestations of encephalofacial angiomatosis.

你一定还在睁大双眼,警惕着邪火出现的征象。You must also face up to guard against the signs of the Xiehuo there.

目的探讨静脉畸形骨肥大综合征影像诊断的征象。Objective To study the imaging features of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome.

目的探讨小肠蛔虫病的CT表现,以提高对其CT征象的识别。Objective To improve the ability of recognizing ascarides on CT images.

结果主要CT征象为胃壁增厚僵硬、肿块。Results The main CT signs included thickening of gastric wall and mass.

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引传痛和局部抽搐反应则是肌筋膜激痛点的确认性征象。Referred pain and local twitch response are confirmatory signs of MTrPs.

茶晶能令人体细胞活泼,老化征象减慢速度,复原芳华的活力。Citrine active human cells can, slow down aging and restore youthful vigor.

食道增宽可能是裂孔疝的一个间接征象。Widening cavity of the esophagus may be indirect sign of the hiatal hernia.

骨盆的耻骨联合有上下错位征象,左侧尺骨中下段有骨折病史。We found the displacement of symphysis osslum pubis, a fracture of left ulna.

为了解释此一征象,他负有全部的责任。For the decipherment of the sign, however, he bears the entire responsibility.

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事实上,有非常充分的理由可以把沉湎于声色之乐的性看作是衰败和穷途末路的征象。In fact, it may very well be the sign of a crippled or impoverished sensuality.

方法回顾分析1321例颅脑损伤CT征象及临床表现。Methods Reviewed and analysed CT signs and clinical manifestation of 1321 cases.

目的总结月骨缺血性坏死的临床特点及各期影像学检查的征象。Objective Provide a new operative method to treat ischemic necrosis of navicular.