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伤员发出呻吟声。The injured man let outa groan.

那个伤员在吐血。The injured man is spitting blood.

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那个伤员呻吟不止。The wounded man moaned ceaselessly.

阿展在努力地救助伤员。O show in efforts to rescue the wounded.

那个重伤员不禁呻吟了一声。A moan escaped the badly wounded soldier.

我们有伤员,也有人被禁赛。We have injuries and suspensions as well.

在我们大多数表公室任职的是志展伤员。Most our offices are staffed by volunteers.

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她退出了比赛护送伤员回去。She quit and escorted the wounded man back.

伤员奇迹般地痊愈了。The wounded man made a miraculous recovery.

他们让伤员们躺在那些厚褥子上。On these mattresses they had laid the wounded.

救护车把伤员送往当地医院。Ambulances took the wounded to local hospitals.

敌人搜山寻找伤员。The enemy searched the mountain for the wounded.

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但是只有少数伤员能撑到野战医院。Few of the wounded made it to the field hospital.

当晚,林书豪在篮网队的伤员名单中。Lin was on the injured list for Houston that night.

他们尽了最大的悉力补助病号和伤员。They did their wise to help the sick and the wounded.

公白飞腰间围着围腰,在包扎伤员。Combeferre, wearing an apron, was dressing the wounds.

重伤员享受优先治疗。The badly wounded take priority for medical attention.

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在领国老挝尚未有伤员的报道。In neighbouring Laos, no casualties have been reported.

一些医院已经难以应付伤员的大量涌入。Some hospitals are overwhelmed by the influx of injured.

他们尽了最大的勤苦帮助病号和伤员。They did their far finer help the sick with the wounded.