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闪电光辉夺目。The lightning was vivid.

干木燃起夺目的火焰。Dry wood makes a good blaze.

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很可能你的衣服也会艳丽夺目。Most likely, so are your clothes.

这种蝴蝶简直就是耀眼夺目。These butterflies are simply dazzling.

他是个夺目有钱的买卖人。He was a shrewd and wealthy business-man.

她的钻戒闪耀夺目。Her diamond ring dazzled with brilliancy.

在蓝天里初升太阳光辉夺目。The rising sun is orient in the blue sky.

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同一个世界,同一个梦想,我们与中国一起耀眼夺目!One World, One Dream, Let's Shine With China.

定是珍奇异宝,如此夺目璀璨。So dazzlingly radiant, it must be treasure rare.

姐姐的绸缎旗袍在灯光下显得鲜妍夺目。My sister's silk cheongsam is shining in the light.

整修后的游乐场新姿夺目。The renovated amusement park has a brand-new image.

这几件古铜器被擦得洗亮夺目。These old pieces of brass have polished up beautifully.

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全地充满了我耀眼夺目的美丽,全地满是我的荣光!T he whole earth is full of My radiant beauty--My Glory!

不兴不不污剂洋的溶剂难挥发,给夺目密封。In addition to the dirty of volatile solvents, to airproof.

泰吉?玛哈尔陵在明亮的月光下显得光芒夺目。The bright moonlight showed the Taj Mahal in all its glory.

在日间耀眼夺目的神灵将会死去,每天一次。The dazzling gods of day would return to their daily death.

耀眼夺目的玻璃与小樽历史的融合。Admire the fusion of sparkling glass and Otaru's rich history.

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这座红房子在青山的映衬下十分夺目。The red house stands out against the backgrond of green hills.

而他的光辉夺目的太阳明明是在黑暗的晦蚀中消损。And his marvelous sun was waning apparently to a black eclipse.

当船只滑过水面,更是明亮夺目、闪闪发光。As the boat glides through the water, the wake shines brightly.