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对不起,“他说,”我不能和你一起侍弄这些花草了。Sorry, " he said, "I can't garden with you.

我也花了很多时间来侍弄我的头发。I spent a lot of time thinking about my hair.

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我去告诉玛丽娅和吉普赛人怎样侍弄这些马。I will tell maria and the gypsy how to handle the horses.

我做一些诸如擦地板和侍弄牲口的佣人工作。I do some servile tasks such as floor scrubbing and barn work.

他利用良好的天气侍弄花园。He took full advantage of the good weather to do some gardening.

今年,小区里一些老头和老太太辛辛苦苦的侍弄了一些。In spring this year, some old residents of this community planted some.

利用这段时间侍弄花草,阅读,锻炼身体,思考问题或者什么也不做。Use the time for gardening, reading, exercise, thinking, or doing nothing!

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母亲喜欢花,可自从我的腿瘫痪后,她侍弄的那些花都死了。Mother loves flowers, but since my legs broken, she tended the flowers died.

开车去食品店比自己侍弄菜园子容易。It's easier to drive to the grocery store than to plant my own vegetable garden.

“对不起,”他说,“我不能和你一起侍弄这些花草了。”"Sorry, " he said, "I can't garden with you. " He'd had physical problems lately.

周末,他常常侍弄花草,开开车或和扶轮国际的同伴打打高尔夫。At weekends, he mostly cared for his roses, or his car, or golf with fellow-Rotarians.

母亲喜欢花,可自从我的腿瘫痪后,她侍弄的那些花儿都死了。Mother loved flowersdearly,but ever since my legs became paralyzed,all her flowers had died.

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我把界面应用到我的博客,并开始侍弄博客版头和边栏。I took the theme home to my web address and started playing with the header and the side bars.

要知道,这个花圃花费了大卫多少时间和精力才侍弄成今天这个令邻居们无比羡慕的样子呀!David had put a 10t of time and effort into making those flower beds the envy of the neighborhood.

要知道,这个花圃花费了大卫多少时间和精力才侍弄成今天这个令邻居们无比羡慕的样子呀!David had put a lot of time and effort into making those flower beds the envy of the neighborhood.

他把花园侍弄得很好,这样他就可以有很多蔬菜和鲜花去市场卖。His garden was doing well , so he would have lots of vegetables and flowers to sell in the market.

有时候,我们会顶着周日下午的艳阳侍弄花园,或是到下面的海湾里游泳。We would sometimes spend Sunday afternoons in the sun, gardening or swimming in the bay below. Mr.

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要知道,这个花圃花费了大卫多少时间和精力才侍弄成今天这个令邻居们无比羡慕的样子呀!David had put a lot of time and effort into making those flower beds the envy of the neighborhood.

至于他怎样侍弄这点儿地,又怎样成的家,这一段历史对我来说又是一个谜。As for how grandfather got the little land and got married, the period of history is for me an enigma.

我们被教成以这样的方式去对待人们,就如教师在农艺中教导农人如何侍弄土地一样。We are taught to treat persons much as an instructor in agriculture teaches farmers to prepare and tend the soil.