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把同级的观点以项目符号或编号的形式排列。Use bulleted or numbered lists for items in a series.

以它的同级功放标准衡量,它同样有着相当的音乐性。It's also pretty musical by the standards of its peers.

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另外还有四艘同级舰艇也已批准建造。Four additional ships of the same class have been approved.

而我们对UML之类的图表唯一能做的就是同级检查。The only checking we can do of UML-like diagrams is peer review.

对上级谦恭是义务,对同级谦恭是礼数,对下级谦恭是杰出。To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors nobleness.

利用图片或实物复习同级比较的用法。Look at the pictures in Section A and Section B. Review the following sentences.

省级外经贸行政部门在接到申请后,应将其中下列文件转交同级劳动保障行政部门Upon receiving such applications, Provincial Foreign Trade Departments should pass

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高你半级的人,往往是最危险的,同级的是天然敌人。In 17, high you half-man, is often the most dangerous, siblings are natural enemies.

党的地方各级代表大会由同级党的委员会召集。Local Party congresses are convened by the Party committees at the corresponding levels.

论述了同级供应网络中产品调剂的可能性。The possibilities of product allocation in the same-level supply network were discussed.

同你的老板及与他同级的管理人员握手,并祝愿他们有个愉快的假期。Shake hands with your boss and other senior managers and wish them a happy holiday season.

来自网络的评价说它被我们评为“同级车最漂亮的车,几乎所有读者对它的投票意见里也都说到这一点。The comments from the website say that the all new Ford Mondeo is the prettiest car of its level.

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随机配备的导弹在技术指标上超越了美国同级战机配备的导弹。The technical specifications of the missiles for the jet exceed the analogues of the US aircraft.

同级法是根据相同级数云纹间所夹云纹即为,都为零的线来判断应变符号的一种方法。In the same order method, a moire fringe between two fringes of same order is considered to satisfy.

选举同级党的委员会,选举同级党的纪律检查委员会。To elect the Party committees and commissions for discipline inspection at the corresponding levels.

同级评审也通过技能和方法的交叉传授改进了整个团队的能力。Peer reviews also improved overall team capability through cross-pollination of skills and approaches.

该科于技术力量雄厚,在省内同级医院中处于领先地位,2006年被评为孝感市重点专科。This department has strong technical force, and the same level in the province is leading the hospital.

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只有在同级予目中的聚合物共聚单体单元才可以进行比较。Only the constituent comonomer units of the polymers in the series under consideration are to be compared.

为了在单元测试规范中强制一致的详细程度,我们将他们包含在同级评审过程中。To enforce consistent detail in the unit test specifications, we included them in the peer review process.

创新独特刀套支撑方式,拥有小于同级刀库的驱动力。Creative unique tool pot supporting and also process the minimum driving power of same level tool magazine.