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是程先生想见你吗?。Is Mr Chan expecting you?

有人想见你。Someone wants to see you.

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我想见马修斯先生。I want to see Mr. Matthews.

我想见布拉姆雷夫人。I want to see Mrs. Bramley.

林肯想见他儿子一面。Lincon wanted to see his son once.

亡人怎不想见生长的乡邑?And long his people once again to greet?

早上好。我想见王坤女士。Good morning. I’d like to see Ms. Wang Kun.

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我从前的内兄想见我。My erstwhile brother-in-law wants to see me.

可以想见,盖内克并无多少文化。Can imagine, cover grams without much culture.

邀请那些你想见的人来加入你的组织。Invite those people you want to meet to join you.

他不在名单上,但卢卡·布拉西想见你。He's not on the list but Luca Brasi wants to see you.

他想见你是要谈生意经。It is a moneymaking proposition he wants to see you about.

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如果有机会,咱们想见一见你们总司理。if there is an opportunity, we'd like to see your manager.

他非常想见您,要我先代他向您致敬。He is very eager to meet you, and sends his warmest regards.

我想见使馆官员,我想遣返回国。I want to talk to our embassy officers. I need repatriation.

巴黎之所以浪漫,是因为恋人相约在那里想见。Pairs is romanic because of lovers meet each other at there.

不难想见为什么史泼尼克时代那么吸引奥巴马先生。It is not hard to see why the Sputnik era appeals to Mr Obama.

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这绝对是你可以想见的最目光短浅的政策。This is surely the most short-sighted policy you could imagine.

下次看见一个你想见的女人时,用你的目光把她锁定。The next time you see a woman you want to meet, LOCK your eyes on her!

我现在可以想见彩虹战旗在战场上飘舞。Yes, I can see it now, rainbow battle flagswaving over field of battle.